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(some supernatural elements)


(mildly spooky)


(worth seeing a couple of times)

I didn't know what to expect out of "The Amazing Mr. X." The concept sounded like it could easily cross into the badly corny, but I found myself drawn into it. I'll even go so far to say that some of the moments are among the creepiest I've seen in a black-and-white horror movie which alone is enough to get some attention out of me.


Chris is a young widow on the verge of getting engaged. But what's this? Is the voice of her dead husband calling out from the sea? Is he jealous even in death of her new relationship? She meets a mysterious psychic, Alexis, who wants to help her unlock the mysteries of the other world while her sister and fiancé look on with worry. When they decide it's time to interfere and hire a detective Alexis finds a way to become entangled with the family. A mighty crafty man this one. What are his true intentions? In the end they are all in store for some life changing shocks.


I like virtually everything about this movie. The characters are engaging, the story is fairly complex and unpredictable without feeling forcibly so, and even the effects aren't bad for their age. My only major complaint is that the girl playing Janet is occasionally annoying and unrealistic. I think part of it is her thick accent when her sister Chris has none. Wouldn't it be more consistent for them to have at least similar accents? (I mean my radio experience has stripped me of most of my accent, but I specifically trained for that yet I still don’t sound like I came from a different state than my sister). The director must have liked the way she pronounced her sister's name because the most common word spoken in the whole movie her saying “Chris” sometimes over and over. I found myself wishing she’s shut up on a few occasions. Don’t misunderstand, though, I don’t dislike the character of Janet nor the actress. She has a delightful quality about her that plays well off of Chris’s older sister personality. Janet is trying to watch out for Chris yet proves to not have the wisdom to be completely effectual.


Another minor complaint is that the beach scenes look glaringly like a set, at least the close up shots do. For the most part, though everything looks good. In fact, a lot of it looks notably better than the average black and white horror movie. And the ghostly scenes, particularly the ones of the late husband’s voice calling from the sea, are impressively done considering their age.


There is nothing sexual or revealing and no strong language at all. There is a little bit of violence along with some frightening moments. Unless they are easily scared this is probably appropriate for younger teens.


We get a peek into the world of the supernatural although it's sometimes hard to know what is truly supernatural and what may have completely real-world explanations.


One character is a psychic, and part of his world is communing with the dead through séance. Many of the characters think this guy and his techniques are a bad idea, so the movie doesn't really promote such things even though it never counters the idea with scriptures saying to not consult mediums.

Final Thoughts

This is absolutely a movie worth seeing for fans of black-and-white ghost stories. It's got an interesting story, good characters, and mostly good portrayals. Fans of modern horror may still find it a bit too quaint for their tastes, but I consider this one a classic gem.

Buying Guide

"The Amazing Mr. X" has an amazing number of releases available. (Don't you just love how I reuse words from the titles? I hope so because I don't play to stop anytime soon).


There are a number of DVD releases that appear to be fly-by-night companies getting money for public domain movies that you could legally burn to DVD yourself with the right software. There are a few multi-movie packs out there as well. For the most part these all give the same specs. There are a few exceptions: there's a 3D offering, an “enhanced” disc, and a remastered release under the title of “The Spiritualist.”


The 3D disc seems to me to be too limited technologically to be worth the effort. This was not a 3D movie, and the disc doesn't offer anything else enticing. The “enhanced” DVD gives no details on what exactly being “enhanced” entails. The DVD entitled “The Spiritualist” is the only one that offers any noteworthy remastering. Unfortunately I can't tell you if it is truly all that great or not. It doesn't offer anything else of note. Beyond that, all releases list the same specs of 1.33 video and mono audio, and none make any mention of any extras.


Final Recommendation:

This is a film I would consider buying a better edition of, but only “The Spiritualist” release appears to offer any substantial upgrade from the 50 pack version I already have. Unfortunately, that one is too costly for what it offers. Unless you decide you want to drop the cash on that version just go for the best deal you can find.

I got mine in a pack of 50 Horror Classics.



This is the TV standard “full-frame” ratio. The image is dark at times and can be trashy. It's a bit fuzzy and grainy as well. Some of the extremely dark ghostly scenes come across far better than I would have expected even though some of the earlier scenes are far too dark.


2.0 mono:

The audio occasionally pops and skips and is slightly low level, but it is mostly decently clean and clearly understandable.



This particular disc is housed in a cardboard sleeve contained in a Velcro-fastened box. The newer cases are plastic.



There are no extras of any kind.

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