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The first season of Batman Beyond has 13 episodes.


1) Rebirth part 1

This is pretty much the premise of the show which I’ve described in the main review. Batman hangs up the cowl, and years later Terry stumbles across the secret. Terry’s dad is killed due to some secrets at his company (Wayne’s company) and Terry wants Wayne/Batman to do something about it.


2) Rebirth part 2

Terry steals the batsuit and goes out to avenge his father. Wayne is so mad he nearly kills the kid while Terry tries to convince the old man that they have to stop the mutagenic virus from being shipped to a terrorist. Blight is created in the battle.


3) Black Out

A living shadow, Inque, is sabotaging Foxteca, Lucious Fox’s son’s company. Wayne suspects Powers is behind it. Inque spanks Terry like a baby, and now she wants Wayne’s head.


4) Golem

Wimpy Willy finds a way to get back at the jerks that mess with him by gaining control of a construction GLM – huge and powerful. Terry must stop him before he hurts someone, but it’s a battle of mouse against elephant.


-Sometimes listed as “Gotham Golem.”


5) Meltdown

Powers’ radiation problem gets worse. A scientist has come up with a way to duplicate his body and transfer him into it. They test it out on Victor Fries whose head is being kept alive in a lab. Fries, in his new body,  appears to start a new and semi-normal life, but Wayne doesn’t trust him. Conflict arises between Freeze and Blight with Batman caught in the middle.


-The story deals with Freeze in a way that is not common in a series like this. Usually a villain is a villain. There is more depth of character this time.


6) Heroes

There are new heroes in town: the Terrific Trio (obvious take off on Fantastic 4). Things aren’t all fine and happy with them, though. There is something untoward about their creation which has put them in the sights of some dangerous men.


7) Shriek

Walter Shreeve has developed a sound weapon for Powers. He’s charged with bringing down Wayne. In steps Terry, but can the fledgling Batman keep Wayne from losing his mind when he’s admitted to the psyche ward?


8) Dead Man’s Hand

A new incarnation of the Royal Flush Gang terrorizes the city. King is obsessed with getting Batman. Meanwhile Terry runs into trouble with Dana shortly before meeting Melanie. He’s upset that Batman is killing his social life and finds himself in a situation paralleling Wayne’s with Selina Kyle.


-A story criticism here: for all the building they do for Terry’s relationship with Dana he sure locks lips with Melanie in a hurry.


9) The Winning Edge

Batman is tiring Terry out in class. His mom suspects drug abuse as rumors of Venom use sweeps the school. Batman needs to track down the source of the drug, and only Bane has the formula.


10) Spellbound

A new criminal uses illusion to have people unwittingly commit crimes. No one buys the explanations given at first except for Terry who quickly finds out that Batman is not beyond Spellbinder’s reach.


11) Disappearing Inque

The man charged with keeping watch over the imprisoned Inque is obsessed with her – enough to set her free. Now she wants revenge on Batman.


12) A Touch of Curare

An assassin is after the DA. Though Batman foils the attempt Barbara Gordon’s tension with Wayne is revealed. Curare will not give up so easily, however, for if she fails she will be hunted down by her own order of assassins. She must bring down the DA and Batman at all costs, and Terry must risk the wrath of the police force to stop the killer.


13) Ascension

Blight is tired of his plight and brings in his son as a successor. Derek has not fallen far from the tree of his twisted upbringing. Batman is now up against father and son, and the rivalry between family may be his only salvation.

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