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(there is nothing better)

(mild violence)

(The Force)

Am I a true Star Wars fan? I’ve been told I’m not because I read Star Wars novels. Apparently some people feel that everything outside the classic movie trilogy taints the universe (I’m not making any of that up). To me the True Fan is one that craves more of the universe, unwilling to let it stop at 3 movies. That’s me.


OK, yes, I think the whole midichlorian thing was a dumb idea. It steals too much of the mysticism of the Force. I think Anakin being the "chosen one" is so cliche it makes me cringe everytime someone calls him that. And I think having him have such an intimate relationship with R2 and 3PO when there's no recognition between them in the original trilogy is questionable writing at best. But I still thoroughly enjoy the second episode of the prequel trilogy known as Attack of the Clones.


Anakin has grown up into a young man, a powerful Jedi student, and a love-stricken admirer of Padme. When attempts are made on Senator Amidala's life Anakin and his master Obi-Wan are assigned to watch out for her. They uncover a conspiracy and a secret army of clones based on the galaxy's most dangerous bounty hunter. As the Separatists push harder and harder for conflict the Jedi secure and unleash the clone army to take on the battle droids in a full-scale war.

Aside from some of the issues I mentioned, the story here is terrific building on the intrigue introduced in episode 1. Who really ordered the creation of the clone army and why? Who is deceptive enough to erase information from a Jedi archive without being detected? Who is trying to assassinate Padme? As the mystery unfolds these questions and more arise. Padme and Anakin begin building their relationship adding some romance. His character is the one that develops the most, and we first begin to see the dark qualities that will be his downfall.

Some great new characters are introduced like bounty hunter Jango Fett, “father” of Star Wars icon Boba Fett, and Darth Tyrannus, a fallen Jedi master who is even more powerful than Darth Maul. Tyrannus may not look as fearsome as Maul, but he can go head to head with Yoda, a more difficult task than you would imagine if you aren’t familiar with his strength in the Force. Jar Jar has maybe 5 minutes in the whole movie if you’re wondering.

The CG in this movie is incredible. The animated clone troopers look completely natural, Yoda looks every bit as real as the puppet, and the filming of the battles has the feel of really being there in the middle of it. This is some of, if not THE best graphics I’d ever seen up to that point and still holds up better than anything but the highest end animation on the market currently. There are one or two spots where the CG C-3PO doesn’t look completely real, but that’s only for a few seconds. Nothing but praise for the rest of it.

The music is breathtaking. The Padme/Anakin love theme has become one of my favorite tunes. That’s saying a lot because I usually like the exciting portions of a score and skip the slower sections. There are also some glances at familiar parts of the classic score including some moments with my favorite theme, Darth Vader’s.

Not everything is so great, if I'm going to be fair about it. I wanted to like Hayden Christensen, I was really pulling for him to become as iconic in the role of Anakin as Mark Hamill is as his son Luke. Perhaps it's difficult to play someone who needs to be shown as heroic yet teetering on the edge of darkness. His performance just seems too stiff. Maybe it's because he's trying to keep that darkness somewhat visible just under the surface, but none of his relationships feel real.


Anakin has some measure of contempt for Obi-Wan as he feels his master is holding him back, but there needs to be a level of respect and companionship displayed at certains times which instead comes across as thinly veiled dislike. Even worse is that he never convincingly gives the impression that he truly loves Padme besides his words. Given their extreme age difference and social standings I don't see how he ever managed to win her over. She will become his secret wife and mother to his children, and yet the passion between them feels too forced.


This disappointment has become amplified for me as a result of the Clone Wars series. Here is a portrayal of Anakin with character, one who can be heroic when the darkness within is not clawing at him, one who gives the impression of truly being madly in love with his wife Padme, and one who deserves respect and admiration as a leader in battle despite his headstrong ways. It's hard to see this version becoming the ultimate villain, but isn't that supposed to be the point? Seeing such a performance as this in the cartoon series it really makes me wonder what the movies could have been if more of this sort of characterization had been captured there.


I can offer up a few other nitpicks though the complaints are minor. Some of the droid comic relief scenes are too over-the-top, the name Dooku sounds almost too funny to take seriously, and the Naboo govt. setup is so bizarre it makes me wonder if anyone thought it through beforehand.

Whatever positive or negative there may be here, this is the best action of any Star Wars movie yet. Obi-Wan and Jango duke it out in the rain which is awesome since we have never gotten to see just how good Boba Fett really is in battle. Mace shows off a few good moves though he won't really shine until the next episode. I love watching him vault through the air tugging off his burning cloak with one hand and deflecting blaster bolts with the other. The best part is watching Yoda face off in a lightsaber duel with Tyrannus. How can such a little Jedi be effective in battle against someone so much bigger? You'll find out.

There are also some impressive battle scenes. Tons of Trade Federation droids take on a bunch of Jedi, and the clone army takes on a whole planet worth of Tyrannus’ legions. It’s so much to take in it’s almost overwhelming, but it stands up to multiple viewings.


This is pretty much standard Star Wars content. There is a brutal decapitation, troopers being shot down, and alien bugs being dismembered. People, robots, and aliens get stabbed and dismembered by lightsabers. I would say this is probably the most violent movie so far, but, as usual, it’s almost completely bloodless since most of the beings killed are aliens, are clad in armor, or are killed with a lightsaber which cauterizes the wound.


A few of the ladies, particularly in the bar scene, are dressed revealingly, but it’s not so bad I would call it more than skimpy.


I think there is exactly one questionable word in the entire movie.


Anakin's story is one that revolves around harboring darkness in the heart. He has the capacity to be brilliantly heroic and yet he can't control his fear and anger which ultimately leads to unbridled rage. He makes poor choices in who he allows to influence him because he is fed words to stoke his ego and direction on fulfilling his selfish desires. He is able to justify those desires by telling himself that he is doing it for someone else, namely his wife, but the core of it is about him not her which becomes evident in how he reacts to her in the next episode.


All of this is reflective of what we are capable. We can put on an appearance of caring about others and direct our actions to look like we're doing something for someone else, but far too often we actually serve ourselves. Maybe it's for ego, maybe for how it makes us look in the eyes of others, maybe it makes justifying something else that weighs on our consciences easier; whatever it may be, when the true goal is to serve self, darkness isn't far behind.

Final Thoughts

Even if you weren't all that happy with the way The Phantom Menace turned out, Attack of the Clones is fun and exciting. It's got big Jedi battles, bounty hunters, alien bugs, and an Acklay (one of my favorite Star Wars creatures). Casting could have been better in some spots, but for me it's not bad enough to keep me from immensely enjoying the whole thing.


Buying Guide

DVD, box set, and Bluray details coming soon.







































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