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Ratings Explained




Here at Righteous Recommendations we use a quick-glace info display with an 8 point rating system so that you can get some idea of what to expect from a movie or show without necessarily needing to read the specifics. Why rate 3 different aspects? Because our readers want to know more than how entertaining something is; they want to know if that entertainment is worth the effort. Why 8 points instead of 5 or 10? Because 5 doesn't allow enough flexibility and 10 just feels too darned cliche.



How much spiritual content does something contain and what does that content reflect? Our highest ratings will point to a specific expression of Christ-centered, predominantly evangelical views while lower ratings may mean that there are non-religious or even anti-Christian views presented.

8 =This is  Christ-centered Biblically-based project. The Bible miniseries is a solid 8.


7=Expect to find strong spiritual truth but without direct mentions of Christ or salvation. Chronicles of Narnia and Blue Like Jazz would fall under this rating.


6=You'll find some measure of biblical truth or outspoken Christian characters in this without it being a specifically spiritual project. Firefly, because of Shepherd Book, would belong here.

5=This level includes neutral inclusion of religion or supernatural elements. Ghost stories or vampire movies that fight with religious symbols might be at this level.


4 =Here you will find non-Christian beliefs presented as truth. Kung Fu movies that involve Eastern religions might be found here.

3=A movie at this level most likely includes negative comments on Christ or biblical faith. Hellraiser 3  would belong here because of Pinhead mocking Christ.


2=Something at this level would include, at best, only indirect or vague spirituality. Most likely it has nothing at all.


1=This would be something that directly and vehemently attacks Christ or biblical faith. You won't find many of these here, but Zombie Christ might fall at this level (if I were willing to watch it in order to rate it, that is).


Is there questionable content in what we're reviewing? This is a gauge for sex, nudity, violence, strong language, and other things to which you might not want a child (or yourself) exposed. Since we will be factoring in all of the questionable material together for the sake of brevity you will need to read the review for the specifics. This isn't meant to be taken as a judgment against a project; it's simply intended to help readers determine if there is something in a movie they would prefer to avoid for whatever reason.

8=Expect to find nothing questionable at all. The only way to be exposed to less would be to stare at a blank wall. Something like VeggieTales would belong here.


7=This might contain some mild language or violence, maybe a little sexual innuendo. Star Wars would belong here.


6=This might contain some sexuality, mild violence, and some strong language. Blue Like Jazz would be at this level.

5=This might contain blood without gore, sex without nudity, and/or brief non-sexual nudity. Pumpkinhead might be a 5.


4=Something at a 4 probably contains some measure of graphic content or at least a lot of strong language. Passion of the Christ would belong here because of its violence and torture.


3=Something in this range is most likely going to have some combination of frequent strong language, graphic violence, gore, sex, and nudity. Hellraiser would belong here.

2=Now we're getting into the levels of shock-value cinema. This would be excessively graphic probably in multiple ways and just for the sake of being extreme. Broken Skull would belong here.


1=This would get to the point of being X / NC17 rated. This is as close to porn as you can go without being put in the "adults only" room in the poorly-lit back corner of the video store or might be otherwise exploitative. I haven't seen it, but Showgirls would probably belong here.


How much fun is this? How well is it made? For this rating we leave out the considerations of what might be objectionable and consider the writing, production, acting, and other technical elements. This is often open to bias of particular genres. It's going to be hard for even a well-made romantic comedy to get a high rating out of me while a sci-fi might be graded a bit higher than some feel is warranted. The opposite viewpoint might hold true for other viewers.

8 =This would be the best of the best, the absolute favorite works of the reviewer. For me Star Wars would be the ultimate 8.


7=This would be something excellent without reaching that legendary level 8 status. Batman Begins or Iron Man would belong here.

6=A 6 is something that's worth seeing more than once but not quite at that breathtaking level. Batman Returns would go here.


5=A 5 generally means you should see it, but a single viewing is going to be enough. Behind Enemy Lines would go here.


4=This is borderline. See it if you can, but don't put any effort into it. Creepshow 2 would go here.

3=This is something you should see only if you have a strong special interest. Fist of Unicorn would be at this level.


2=These are mostly projects that are so bad they are amusing. Get some friends together to enjoy making fun of it. Broken Skull would belong here.


1= This is a crime against nature. Avoid it at all costs or risk the desire to poke out your own eyes. Evil Breed is definitely a 1.

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