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(fictional cult, supernatural evil forces)


(some disturbing moments and strong language)


(see it only if you have a special interest)

"Darkness": not particularly terrible, not particularly good, just unimpressive. I guess I got hooked on Anna Paquin after seeing "X Men." Two hours of Anna can't be all bad. Actually the more I've seen of her the less interested I have become, but at the time I picked up "Darkness" I thought she appeared to be a cute and promising actor. Wanting to check her out in roles other than Rogue and having read several reviews about the great, unusual ending here I picked up the movie (on sale, of course, 'cause that's how I role).


Maybe I expected too much out of it after those comments, because I found the unusual ending as unimpressive as the rest of the movie. Is it an unusual twist? Sure, but unusual is not necessarily in and of itself a good thing.


Mom, Dad, daughter, and son move to a new house. Dad starts going crazy and son starts getting creepy. Mom and daughter don't get along, and daughter is the only one suspicious of the true nature of what is going on, or at least the only one sane and brave enough to investigate it. As she and her boyfriend dig they uncover a sinister plot and must find a way to stop it.


Here is why I have problems with the movie. The characters are absolutely too unbelievable. The ones that are evil have poor explanations of motives. There's no purpose behind what they do. The people that are good, or at least innocent where the supernatural horrors are concerned, do not react naturally to the events around them and express no reasons for acting the way they do. The mother, for instance, is either afraid to face what is happening or so self-absorbed that she doesn't see it. I've never been quite clear what her malfunction is which makes her scenes feel forced and stiff.


This inadequacy is a combination of acting and writing. None of the acting is impressive enough to compensate for the weaknesses in the characterizations (including Anna, so you see I'm not partial). It further hurts the overall story and doesn't convey the danger that the movie needs to be effective.


The story feels very choppy which again is partially due to the writing, but also a result of poor editing. Perhaps if the characters were more gripping then the jumpy style would have worked better. There are two major ways in which this hurts the movie. One is all the short, meaningless scenes that pop up every now and again. The other is building suspense for a scene then cutting suddenly to the next day without any fulfillment of the anticipation. That is a dangerous trick to play on the viewer and hurts the flow of the story.


The frightening elements of the story provide some creepy moments, but none of them live up to their full potential. Flashes of ghostly kids here and there are subtle enough to really dig in to the imagination. These are some of the best moments. Unfortunately after they show up a couple of times they are pretty much discarded. Their connection to the plot is established, but no further explanation is offered. Are they pawns of the evil, corrupted to be part of the evil, or just semi-impartial (perhaps jealous of the living) observers? They're just there.


There's a  creature from a photo that is quite good, but once again it's a part of a couple of brief scenes then forgotten. What's the significance of the picture and the people in it? What's the point in something coming out of it to terrorize people? How come the others don't pop out as well? There is no connection to the plot on this one.


The ritual, workings of the supernatural, purpose of the "entity," the lame "illness" the father supposedly has, and other elements are touched on but poorly conceived. It's as little depth as possible to put the characters in the peculiar peril that plagues them. The supernatural elements with a better depiction of family life would have been an improvement on the story as a whole. Elimination of the father's illness and more knowledge of occult rituals would have greatly improved the story.


There's a bit of strong language.


Other than that it's just scary stuff and disturbing concepts. There's little depicted violence, no sex, no nudity (yes, we see Anna in the tub, but nothing revealing). There are a couple of bloody scenes, but they aren't particularly violent. It's definitely an R, but it's tame compared to some others of that rating.


There's nothing here connected to real-life spirituality, but there is a fictional cult and an evil god-like entity of some kind. The evil is far more powerful than a Christian would see real evil (believing that God is ultimately in control). I suppose this may be one reason I don't like the story, it just couldn't connect with me on a level that allowed me to look past its depiction of evil compared to my view of it (says the guy who loves Lovecraft's stories, this story pales in comparison to Lovecraft, though). Still I'm sure it's possible to attach individual allegorical interpretations to elements of the story, so there may be things that others get out of it. I didn't feel like it was good enough to be worth the effort of contemplation and discussion (outside writing a review, of course).

Final Thoughts

"Darkness" isn’t the worst movie I’ve ever seen, but it’s not one I’m likely to watch again. There are much better supernatural thrillers out there if that’s what you’re in the mood for.

Buying Guide

"Darkness" is a movie that so few care about I've had trouble finding good info about the releases outside of the one I own. I'll tell you what I can, but don't expect much (out of the DVD's, I mean).


There are 2 DVD releases: a theatrical cut that is just labeled “Darkness” and an “unrated version.” There is a new Blu release which is also available as part of a Mirimax Triple Feature.


Rated DVD:

The theatrical DVD lists a run time of 1:28 and is rated PG13. It's also listed as 1.33 “full screen.” Other than that I don't see anything to suggest this DVD is any different than the one I'll be telling you about below.



The Blu lists a 2.42 widescreen ratio at 1080p (I've also seen a 1.77 ratio listed, but the source that lists 2.42 is more reliable). Audio is 2.0 DTS HD or a non-HD 5.1 Dolby surround sound. The quality is said to be about average - decent for Blu but not necessarily exceptional especially with the 2.0 track. The run time listed matches the length of the unrated version so that should be what you'll get. The extras appear to be exactly the same as the DVD.



I assume that the triple pack will offer the same specs as the Blu, but this isn't just a repackage of the disc, this is actually a new Blu disc with 3 movies on it. That means you shouldn't expect much out of the overall quality, and you most likely won't be getting any extras. Some comments (yes, I had an easier time finding reviews on this set than on the regular Blu) mention this being very weak quality for a Blu movie, but at least one other comment says that it's still an improvement over DVD.


Final Recommendation:

This isn't a movie or a release that offers much so don't spend a lot on it.  Get a good deal whether you go with the Blu or the DVD.

The Unrated Version DVD is a single disc release.



2.40 widescreen:

The image is a tad grainy with some very minor trash. Otherwise it looks pretty good. The sharpness and contrast are strong.


5.1 Dolby:

The sound is clear with the only real issues being in the sound design of the movie itself. There is just enough bass to make a presence. The surround sound is fair.



The case is standard plastic.


An insert includes a chapters list.


The interface is bland with nothing more than a static image.

A couple of previews play before the interface which is something I find annoying.


The unrated run time is 1:42.



-Darkness Illuminated (3:55) It's a rather short behind-the-scenes look considering it's the only real extra. It's rather slow with only a few real glimpses at how it was made.


-Theatrical Trailer (1:56) Makes the movie look better than it is.


-Teaser (0:59) It has more atmosphere than the movie actually has itself.


-Previews: There are 2 trailers and an ad with a play all option.  The animation on the menu page is the best extra feature on the disc. How sad is that?

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