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Futurama season 3 has 22 episodes listed here as they appear on the DVD.


1) Amazon Women In The Mood

The crew, Amy, Zapp, and Kif end up on a planet of huge, man-hating Amazons. The Amazons sentence the men to death by snu-snu (sex). As the women try to save the men (mostly Amy trying to save Kif) Bender discovers a secret about the Amazonian leader.


-Bea Arthur guest stars.


2) Parasites Lost

Fry is infested with parasitic worms. This is actually a good thing since the worms make him stronger, smarter, and able to heal extremely fast. He's smooth enough to make Leela fall for him. The others have infiltrated Fry's body with tiny, robotic versions of themselves, but Leela stops them when she sees the good the worms are doing. Fry is worried she loves him for what he has become rather than what he really is so he sets out to purge himself in order to see if Leela will love him as a regular guy.


3) A Tale Of 2 Santas

The crew is given a mission to deliver letters to Santa. When the maniac comes after them they manage to incapacitate him. Seeing a chance to do good they initiate Bender to be a good Santa and actually deliver presents to people. Paranoia is too high, though, and Bender Claus is attacked at every turn. "But I come bearing Triominos!" he pleads. Finally, he's arrested and sentenced to execution until the real Santa reappears to wreak havoc.


-Coolio has a cameo.


4) The Luck Of The Fryrish

Fry's luck stinks. Maybe he is still an idiot, but when he had his 7 leaf clover he had amazing luck. His older brother was always jealous of his clover trying to take it from him and outshine him in everything. When Fry decides to reclaim his old clover from its hiding place he discovers that his brother found and took it. He then finds out his brother became an international hero because of the luck the clover brought. It was Fry's clover so fame and fortune should have been his as well. He is determined to find his brother's grave and reclaim the clover at all costs, but he doesn't realize how his disappearance affected his family.


5) The Birdbot Of Ice-Catraz

Planet Express is hired to haul a dark matter tanker past a penguin preserve. Rather than fly the ship Leela goes to the planet to protest. Bender fills her shoes but ends up dumping the matter on the planet in a fit of mad sobriety. To escape punishment he disguises himself as a penguin, but a malfunction causes him to believe he really is one. It's a race against time when the penguins turn nasty and start attacking Leela. If Bender can't remember who he really is none of them stand a chance.


-Phil Hendrie guest stars.


6) Bendless Love

Bender's innate desire to bend things starts causing problems so he gets a job bending. He falls for a buxom fembot coworker. He's unsure of her devotion, though, when he discovers that she was once seriously involved with Flexo who also works at the plant. He devises a plan to catch Angleyne being unfaithful to him, but it backfires.


-Jan Hooks guest stars.


7) The Day The Earth Stood Stupid

An ancient race of brains steals the intelligence of all sentient beings on Earth. Only Fry is immune. Nibbler suddenly shows his true colors. He is not a dumb animal, but part of a highly intelligent ancient race who are the arch-rivals of the brains. Only Fry can beat them, but only the Nibblonians can get him on track to do it.


8) That's Lobstertainment

Dr. Zoidberg is determined to become a comedic actor. His uncle Harold was famous for his comedy at one time so Zoidberg wants his help. Harold, though, is old and broke and thinks he has a rich doctor nephew. Both are wanting to ride on the other's coattails. When they decide to make a movie it's up to Bender to convince Calculon to fund it. Calculon will do so but only under the guarantee that he will win an award for it. Failure to win will result in Harold's execution.


-Hank Azaria guest stars.


9) The Cyber House Rules

Bender adopts 12 children for the government assistance checks but realizes he's spending more than he's making. Leela reunites with a guy she had a crush on in the orphenarium, now a successful surgeon, and they hit it off. He grafts an artificial eye on her making her look normal. Fry is upset, though. He liked her when she was weird so why should she want to be with another guy that only likes her with 2 eyes? Leela must decide whose acceptance is more important.


10) Where The Buggalo Roam

Amy and Kif go out again and start getting more serious. She wants him to meet her parents on their buggalo ranch. He's trying to impress the Wongs but is not doing a very good job of it. When the buggalo herd is rustled, Kif sees his chance to be a hero. Instead, Amy is kidnapped. Kif can't fail in his rescue mission this time because the fate of his love is at stake, but Zapp may screw it all up.


11) Insane In The Mainframe

Fry and Bender are implicated in a bank robbery and sent to a robot insane asylum which is a problem for Fry. Fry is released only when he is cured of his "delusions" of humanity. Leela and the others try to convince him he's not a robot, but it doesn't work. When the criminal Roberto escapes from the same asylum he takes the Planet Express staff hostage, and battle droid Fry is the only one that can save them.


12) The Route Of All Evil

Dwight and Cubert decide to start a paper delivery service. They do so well that they buy out Planet Express and its staff. It's all to make their dads proud, but instead they're jealous until the kids get into a scrape they can't get out of. The dads come in to save the day and learn a lesson in fatherhood.


13) Bendin In The Wind

Bender is attacked by a savage can opener and rendered paralyzed from the neck down. Beck is his roommate and encourages him to not give up hope. He gives Bender a set of mechanical arms that attach to the neck and allow Bender to scrape his ripped torso like a washboard. Beck invites him to join the band. Bender becomes the hero of broken robots everywhere until he can suddenly move again. This could mean the end of his career unless he can pretend to still be broken.


-Beck guest stars and sings.


14) Time Keeps On Slipping

The Harlem Globetrotters challenge Earth to a basketball game. No one is stupid enough to take the challenge except Farnsworth. He has a plan, though. His race of atomic super men are the only chance Earth has. Problem is they're still infants. He has the crew collect chromatons from space to accelerate the growth process, but the disturbance of them causes time to skip forward at random intervals speeding the universe to its doom. It will take the combined intelligence of Farnsworth and Bubblegum Tait to find a way to stop the destruction of time.


15) I Dated A Robot

Fry downloads the personality of Lucy Liu to a robot that also takes her form. It's essentially Lucy except she's Fry's love slave. Everybody else thinks this is an abomination and set out to stop the company offering the downloads. They discover that the company is kidnapping the real people to make copies of them. When the crew rescues the real Lucy, the company sends an army of ninja Lucy's to get the real one back. In the end Fry must decide if having a Lucy copy is better than having a real person.


-Lucy Liu guest stars.


16) A Leela Of Her Own

While playing a friendly game of Blurnzball Leela proves to be the worst pitcher imaginable. She keeps hitting the batters in the head. It's so amusing for the spectators that she's recruited for the Blurnzball league in order to sell tickets. She's excited about being the first female pro Blurnzball player, but soon comes to realize she's making more of a mockery rather than setting the standard. Though she tries to improve, it may be too late to keep from being deemed the worst player in history.


-Bob Uecker and Hank Aaron guest star.


17) A Pharaoh To Remember

Bender is even more obsessed with his greatness than usual. He's worried that no one will remember him when he's gone so he keeps trying to make his mark on the world. When the crew is taken captive by an Egyptian society, Bender sees his chance to become great. He weasels his way into being Pharaoh and has the slaves build an enormous statue of him. The subjects revolt throwing Bender, Fry, and Leela into the tomb. There they will be trapped forever unless Bender can get over himself.


18) Anthology Of Interest 2

Another episode involving the What If Machine. This is a collection of 3 stories in a frame story reminiscent of the "Treehouse of Horror" episodes.

Part 1: What if Bender became human? This is possibly the grossest episode ever, but it is funny.

Part 2: What if life were more like a video game? Fry is asked to help defend the world against invaders from Nintendu 64. Many video game references abound.

Part 3: What if Leela... went to Oz? This is a Wizard of Oz parody with Leela as Dorothy and Mom as the witch. The end has a new spin, though.


19) Roswell That Ends Well

The crew goes back in time. Zoidberg, it turns out, was the Roswell alien. In a nod to Back to the Future Fry becomes involved in the life of his grandfather when he pushes the unsuspecting man out of the way of a jeep. He's trying to make sure he doesn't keep himself from being born while Farnsworth and Leela work on finding a way back home.


20) Godfellas

Bender gets shot into space and lost. While Fry and Leela look for a way to find him he drifts farther away. After going through an asteroid field Bender finds himself inhabited by tiny people. He becomes their god. As the society grows, another darker one develops on his back. Eventually the two sides come at odds with each other with war being the only option. Distressed at being a failure as a godhead Bender meets what could be the real thing.


21) Future Stock

Fry meets a businessman from the old days who was frozen until a cure for his boneitis was discovered. Having so much in common from the same time period he and Fry become fast friends, and Fry nominates him for the position of CEO of Planet Express when the time comes to vote. Their stock soars under the new leadership to the point that they can all sell and get rich until the businessman's uncured boneitis comes back to haunt him.


22) The 30% Iron Chef

Bender is determined to become a great chef. He finds a mentor who trains him to beat Elzar in a cookoff. It's a tough competition, but Bender has a secret weapon, the essence of taste. Zoidberg, meanwhile, is riddled with guilt over framing Fry for the destruction of Farnsworth's favorite model ship.

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