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(religious jokes, unusual portrayal of God)


(cartoon violence, crude language, sexuality, nudity)


(some of the best comedy every shown on TV)

The third season of "Futurama" is my favorite one for a few different reasons. First, it has more episodes than any other season which means the highest dose of "Futurama" hilarity. Second, it shows an improvement in the writing. And finally, the DVD shows outstanding creativity (which will be covered in more detail in the buying guide).


I said in the first season's review that the writing lacked because of little emotional range. That changes in season 3. When I first saw "Luck of the Fryrish" I didn't like it because it doesn't end on a humorous note. When I had the chance to watch it again on DVD the sentiment sunk in a little more causing me to praise it. There is some good comedy early on with a nice, touching twist at the end. Season 4 gives us a few more touching stories, but this first one is the best. For one thing I couldn't figure out where they were going with it until they got there. The flashes from present (from Fry's perspective) to past build suspense nicely showing some prowess on the part of the director. Another tear-jerking episode showing more of how Fry's disappearance affected those around him is "Jurassic Bark" in season 4.


Though they aren't all because of emotional range, the majority of the episodes I count as my favorites from the entire series are in this season: "Parasites Lost" for the internal struggles Leela and Fry face, "The Cyber House Rules" for the comedy of Bender dealing with kids (and the touching ending which I won't give away), "Insane In The Mainframe" for the concepts of crazy robots and Fry in a robo looney bin, and "Anthology of Interest 2" for its unusual concepts and video game references.


As a Southerner and fan of Foghorn Leghorn since I was very young, one of my favorite recurring characters is Hyper Chicken. "Bwaaaak!! I'm sorry, I thought you was corn." I also like Roberto the knife-wielding robot a lot. We see both of those characters introduced and used the most in this season, so there's another plus.


I haven't been going through counting words, but it seems to me that the strong language has been toned down some. There are a few episodes with little or none, and no episodes that stand out as particularly bad though it can certainly be crude.


The nudity is another story. The guys show their butts on several occasions which is nothing new, we've been seeing that since the very first episode, but there's a lot of it. What we haven't been seeing, except in partiality, is female nudity. Leela and Amy give us full moons (along with the guys) in "Time Keeps On Slipping." The first episode "Amazon Women In The Mood" lands the characters on an Amazon planet full of women whose plan is to have sex with the guys until it kills them. Technically the Amazon women are raping the male characters, but the guys, while horrified at the abuse they are recieving and the prospect of death, are excited to be getting sex. Fry gets hot and heavy with a robot replica of Lucy Liu. When Bender becomes human we get a few anatomy jokes and some masturbation-related comments. Fry has sex with his grandmother.


As always there is some comedic violence that can be gruesome but is more of the classic toon type that leaves no one permanently damaged.


Bender is known for his drinking, smoking, womanizing, and stealing.


In the Christmas episode Zoidberg dresses up as Jesus which opens up some irreverent jokes such as the mayor saying, "How dare you lie in front of Jesus!" He pleads to Zoidberg Jesus for help who runs away replying that he helps those who help themselves. (That saying is not in the Bible. You know that, right?)


One reason I like "The Luck Of The Fryrish" is because it has a theme of forgiveness and love. Fry's brother is a jerk until Fry vanishes which makes Yancy realize what he has lost. Fry only remembers the jerk, not knowing the change of heart his brother had, and learns a lesson in letting go of past angers.


"Godfellas" deals with a situation that has Bender becoming god to a race of small people. They pray to him and obey his commands as he attempts to perform miracles for them. In the end he meets the real "God" who is kind of a giant space cloud whose position is that if he's done his job right people won't know he's done anything at all.

Final Thoughts

"Futurama" is hysterical sci-fi comedy, but it is not suitable for anyone easily offended especially when it comes to jokes about religion. While it makes me laugh I can't deny that it is frequently inapropriate, so keep that in mind when looking for something to watch.

Buying Guide

"Futurama" vol. 3 has a lot in common with the previous volume but continues to improve on design and technology. In a lot of ways this is arguably the best release in the "Futurama" series. For the sake of completion I will repeat the box set and repacking info from the previous reviews so if you have read that you might want to skip on down to the DVD details of this set,


You can get this set by itself, of course, but in 2 vastly different packages. I'll spend some time talking about this in a little while because as a collector there are things about the differences that matter to me so they might to you as well.


There are also 2 series sets. One is the Bender's head set containing everything up to the point of the Comedy Central restart. The other is newer and contains the complete series old and new.


The new repackaging is done with simple cardboard and an art deco theme which has the benefit of fitting with the look of the later seasons. It's designed to be more eco-friendly which would be fine if it weren't so product unfriendly. The flimsy disc holders tend to let the discs slide out of the pouches easily which means easily damaged DVD's (just tilting the folder the wrong way can cause every DVD to fall out onto the floor). If the DVD's are useless the whole package is a complete waste which seems a lot more eco-unfriendly than a good design that collectors are going to want on their shelves long-term.


The complete series has a few notable points. First of all, it includes all 8 seasons plus the 4 movies. They are all on DVD so you'll sacrifice HD for the ones that offer it. The set includes a special wall calendar but does not include any other extras beyond what is offered in the individual releases (though those extras are not lacking). Packing is essentially all of the individual seasons, repackaged in their flimsy cardboard cases, residing in a larger box.


Final Recommendation:

The full series box set is not worth the hassle in my opinion largely because the cardboard redesign of the case is one I recommend skipping if you have another reasonably priced option. The original package may use more plastic and cardboard but it does its job and holds up over the years. The Bender head set is a worthy purchase leaving you with only the last few seasons to flesh out your library.

The Volume 3 set is 4  DVD's.




It's clear and sharp with a little fuzziness in some of the movements.


2.0 Dolby:

It has a good clean sound though it all comes from the front.



These details are the same as before except for the interface. I mentioned the new packaging already so now I'll talk about the original. Each disc comes in its own thin-clamshell plastic case. Those fit inside a box which has an outer slipcover to keep anything from spilling out. It's an extremely convenient design with other benefits as well. At first I thought this was excessive packaging (adding to the cost), but I have come to appreciate having a case for each DVD instead of 1 folder for all of them. Accessibility is easier especially for pulling out the Christmas episodes during the holiday season.


The whole package is covered in amusing artwork. The outer sleeve has windows looking in on the main box. The only downfall is that the diecut edges around the windows have a way of catching on things making them look ragged after a while so be wary of that. Each case has an image that fits with the others to form one large mural, and the inside of each has a comical theme with the art on the DVD it contains. That's a lot of detail just on the aesthetics, but it's something that I appreciate about the packaging and miss in the new design so I think it worth mentioning.


There is no insert exactly, but the sleeves for the DVD cases have episode details on the back and chapters printed on the inside cover.


Each disc's interface has a different theme and host. Fry, Zapp and Kif, L'rrr and Ndunda, and the Nibblonians give us a little humorous dialogue over the main interface then a brief, comical description of each episode when the respective page is selected. These are definitely the funniest and most creative of all the "Futurama" interfaces and are among the best I've seen for any TV show.



-Commentaries: You probably expect to have a commentary for every episode by now. Not only do you get that, you also get actors Maurice and Tress joining the team along with Billy and John. The voice talent tend to add a lot of entertainment to most commentaries. Other speakers include creator Matt and exec. producer David X. along with various writers and directors. As usual you have high spots and low spots. Mostly they are entertaining and /or informative although they can be dry and dull at times. There is an extra commentary this time as well.


-Episode Comments: Another feature every episode has is an audio comment by one of the characters. When you access the episode's menu someone will tell you what they like about it. For example, Kif has a lot to say about Amy, and Bender likes to talk about himself. This is technically just part of the interface design, but since it's consistent and highly entertaining I'm giving it a listing here in the extras.


-Deleted Scenes: 17 episodes have deleted scenes. See the episodes list for which ones.


-International Clips: Another one for the episodes list. Even though "clips" is plural, it's just one clip with multiple audio tracks.


-Storyboards: A slideshow of storyboards which will be detailed with the apropriate episode.


-Animatic: The animatic for an episode will be listed with its episode.


-Ratings: A screen of a mock rating plays automatically when each disc starts. You can't access them any other way so you'll just have to watch for them.


-Alien Message: This also plays automatically when you put in the disc. It's on each disc but is the same message each time. You can find a translation pretty easily online.


-3D Models from Rough Draft: These are looks at various models with some info on what you're seeing and their creation.

-Mom Corp Ship (0:35)

-Robot Arms Neighborhood Backlot (0:20)

-Robot Santa & Sleigh Turnaround (0:21)

-Titanic Spaceliner (0:30)

-Hover Convertible (0:26) 

-Buggalo Walk Test (0:15)

-Tornado Wireframe to Final Color (0:17)

-Nibbler's Ship Turnaround (0:07)

-VW Van Wireframe to Final Color (0:34)


-How to Draw Characters: Surprisingly lengthy manual slideshows with detailed wireframes and instructions. The best thing about these is the background art. Read each screen for some hilarious stuff.




-Still Gallery/New Character Artwork: Another manual slideshow featuring new character designs and such. The images are large and really good quality.


Easter Eggs:

-Captions Never Used: Title captions that got rejected. It's an automated slideshow, but you can use chapter skip to go back or forward. On the "Amazon Women in the Mood" menu move right to highlight the viewscreen (though it's on the left).


-Table Read: Check out the episodes list for more details on this one. Go to the Tale of 2 Santas menu and move right to highlight the picture frame on the left.


-An X-Mas Message From David X Cohen: More details in the episodes list. On the same Tale of 2 Santas menu  highlight the top right corner of the viewscreen to reveal a hidden Santa hat (I had to use a DVD-ROM and mouse).

The Bender's head box set contains all 4 seasons/volumes up to the point of the original cancellation plus the 4 followup movies. It contains only DVD's and does not include the Blu-rays of the movies that are available in HD.


The disc content is exactly the same as the original release. The audio and video details can be read above.




The biggest selling point of this set is that the discs are housed in a huge Bender head. The back has a hatch that opens to allow access to all the discs stacked on top of one another. That makes it sound like they sit on each other which is not so. They have individual slots which prevent a disc surface from ever touching anything else. The upside is that disc damage is not going to happen due to packaging (which can not be said of the other set), the downside is that finding the disc you want at any given time requires counting and probably pulling out the wrong one a time or two before getting to the right one. Few DVD packages cause me to deviate from my meticulous shelving system. This is one that does. It just looks too good as a display piece and deserves a place apart from the rest.


The box that everything comes in is in itself pretty fun due to the head-in-a-jar artwork. Bender's antenna has to be attached so some assembly is required.


A guide book offers details on all the episodes.



The extras are exactly the same as each individual release. There are no additional extras for buying the head set except a letter.


-Letter: This is a note from Matt and David printed on Planet Express letterhead and assigning a number to your head. Mine is 11990/25500.


Once again we're looking at the production season rather than how it was aired, so the list may be different from what you remember. There are 22 episodes this time clocking in at about 22 minutes long.


There is a play all option this time (shout for joy!) and chapters for easy jumping around.


1) Amazon Women In The Mood

-Deleted Scenes (1:29) Amy's dates, Amazon showers, half love, dare not speak name, they won't last long, and Zapp's tactical inspiration.


-International Clips (1:48) Use the DVD audio selection to swap between 4 languages.


2) Parasites Lost

-Deleted Scenes (1:53) Fry's perceptions, the poor tipper, upside Fry's hair, and a pass at Leela.


-Storyboards: It's hard to read the notes which, to me, is part of the fun of these kinds of features, but enjoy the storyboard art for the length of the episode as a manual slideshow.


3) A Tale Of 2 Santas

-Deleted Scenes (0:38) Santa's rant and Bender's hat.


-Table Read (35:03) It's funny and fun and basically the whole episode (including the clever musical number) without visuals. We can't hear the narrator well enough, and video as well as audio would take this feature to the next level of awesome.


-An X-Mas Message From David X Cohen (5:06) This is a dramatic presentation by David X. talking about who is responsible for for the harsh words this episode received. It's VERY corny; probably only geeks and nerds will like it. Incidentally, I find it hilarious.


4) The Luck Of The Fryrish

-Deleted Scenes (0:26) Radon levels and a lazer on the safe.


5) The Birdbot Of Ice-Catraz

-Deleted Scenes (1:56) Bender's woes, Zoidberg the suckup, playing videogames, and The Scary Door.


6) Bendless Love

-Deleted Scenes (2:18) Bender & Flexo talk love, blaming humans, Bender the menace, the Professor's point of view, and what's wrong with Bender.


7) The Day The Earth Stood Stupid

-Deleted Scenes (0:40) Nibbler the ham stealer and saying "T."


8) That's Lobstertainment

-Deleted Scene (0:34) Who paid for the movie.


9) The Cyber House Rules

-Deleted Scenes (1:34) Sky wreck, Zoidberg interrupts, why the orphans are in jail, out of orphans, and the Professor needs to know.


10) Where The Buggalo Roam

-Deleted Scene (0:21) Slop's on.


11) Insane In The Mainframe

-Deleted Scenes (1:15) Investing money, brainwashing Fry, and the spirit of a singing Napoleon.


14) Time Keeps On Slipping

-Deleted Scenes (0:42) The ball game, why marry Fry, and Leela & Zoidberg talk.


16) A Leela Of Her Own

-Deleted Scene (0:12) Muttering.


17) A Pharaoh To Remember

-Deleted Scene (0:16) Spnning plate.


18) Anthology Of Interest 2

-Animatic (23:45) Like the previous animatics this is basically pencil drawings with temporary dialogue. If you like the episode it's fun to see this alternate version of it.


19) Roswell That Ends Well

-Deleted Scene (0:18) The Communist detector.


-Commentary: This is a second commentary that is very informative and way longer than the actual episode.


21) Future Stock

-Deleted Scenes (0:28) The value of stock and sweaty Mom.


22) The 30% Iron Chef

-Deleted Scenes (1:55) Why the clock, Elzar's popularity, how Fry did it, Fry is numb, real cooking, and what Morbo thinks.

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