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The third and last season of Batman Beyond has 13 episodes.


1) King's Ransom

The Royal Flush Gang is back at it -- minus one and falling apart. They are so disjointed that they are actually working for someone else now. The gang has plans for one last big push for glory.


2) Untouchable

A new villain in town is impervious to physical damage. Wayne traces the technology to his own medical research department, one with a cute patient who has eyes for Terry.


-Gedde Watanabe guest stars.


3) Inqueling

Inque is back and wreaking havoc as usual. Terry is determined to beat her on his own this time. As Terry hunts her down Inque has to deal with her own problems in the form of troubled offspring.


-A bit of a parenting lesson here. The acting is probably the worst of any episode.


4) Big Time

A so-called friend from Terry’s troubled past resurfaces. Terry helps him out only to get caught up in a low-down scheme. Big Time gets a dose of chemicals and becomes a whole new man – loosely speaking.


-While Big Time's mutation has been done before it's overall one of the better episodes this season.

-Stephen Baldwin, Robert Patrick, and William H Macy guest star.


5) Out Of The Past

Wayne is in a worse mood than usual on his birthday until Talia shows up. She’s as young and beautiful as ever offering Wayne the same eternal life that kept Ra’s Al Ghul alive for so long. It’s a hard offer to pass up.

-Mark Hamill and Michael Rosenbaum put in appearances. Kevin Conroy, the voice of Bruce Wayne, is one of the main singers, by the way.


6) Speak No Evil

A huge gorilla is cavorting about town. Batman can’t stop him, and maybe he shouldn’t. There’s human villainy at work. Can Batman work alongside a gorilla to bring down justice?


7) The Call Part 1

Micron of the Justice League is lured into a trap. Superman suspects internal sabotage and invites Batman to join the league. As heroes start falling Terry investigates a team that already doesn’t trust him.


-Jodi Benson and Wayne Brady guest star.


8) The Call Part 2

There is a traitor in the League, and Terry has to stop this person from hurting anyone else. The problem is he has to face off against the non-traitors first, super heroes that have far more experience than he does not to mention actual powers.


-This wraps up a mostly good double episode, but there is a troubling plot hole (which I can’t mention without a big spoiler). Otherwise this is an interesting look into the future of the league and some of the reinvented heroes.


9) Betrayal

Big Time is back, and he still wants Terry as his partner in crime. Once again Terry tries to reach out to bring his one-time friend back from the dark side, but he soon learns that caring for someone doesn’t always work out positively.


10) The Curse Of The Kobra Part 1

Organized crime wears a snake, and they want a bomb. Terry can’t take some of the more highly trained Kobra operatives in a fight so Wayne sends him off for some Martial Arts schooling. He befriends a strange student who has an eye for Max.


-Dan Castellaneta and Xander Berkeley put in appearances.


11) The Curse Of The Kobra Part 2

Max has been kidnapped by Kobra whose leader wants her for his queen. They plan to turn themselves into dinosaurs and terraform the Earth to be uninhabitable by humans.

-There's very little justification for these off-the-wall ambitions.


12) Countdown

Zeta’s back in town (with a different look and voice than before). Mad Stan is actually something of a hero by saving Zeta’s life. But when Stan finds out about Zeta’s robotic nature he flips out and sends the droid on a wild-goose chase with a bomb strapped to his back.


13) Unmasked

Max makes a slip about Terry being Batman. As a way of admonishment Terry tells her a story about why keeping his secret is so important. He tells about a kid that saw his face and became a target for Kobra.


-While a decent episode, despite my dislike of Kobra, it's not much of a wrap-up for the series. It will come, though. Read my upcoming review of Justice League Unlimited.

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