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This first season of Stargate SG-1 has 20 episodes including the pilot. The episode list doesn’t match some of the ones on the internet, so the list below is what you'll get with the TVD. You should note that although I will do my best to avoid unnecessary spoilers, the very premise of an episode may give away what came before it due to the interconnected nature of the stories.


1) Children Of The Gods

(The pilot) It's been years since the stargate was last used when a new threat emerges. Apophis is looking for a host for his queen and takes one of America's own. Jack O'Neill is recalled to duty for a search and rescue that begins with retrieving Daniel Jackson from the planet Abydos whose own wife be taken as well. When the team is captured by Apophis survival doesn't look good for them.


-This is a where-are-they-now kind of story at first along with the setup of the basis of the series. It picks up some time after the events of the movie but ties directly in so that there’s a solid continuity. Some returning characters are played by the movie actors, some are replaced by few ones. Apophis, the SG1 Goa’uld nemesis, Hammond, and the rest of the SG1 team are introduced. We begin to get a feel for how the Goa’uld universe works though it’s just scratching the surface.


2) The Enemy Within

The Goa’uld are attacking the Earth’s stargate iris nonstop after what SG1 did to them. Teal’c is a prisoner of the government, and Kawalsky is infected by a Goa’uld and killing people at SG Command. Teal’c learns that Earth is the legendary home planet for humans throughout the universe, and our Goa’uld-free advancements make us the greatest hope for the ridding of the tyrants.


3) Emancipation

SG1 arrives on a new planet and promptly saves a boy from wild animals. It’s the only reason Sam is spared by the Mongrel people who do not hold women highly. When she is kidnapped in the night Jack is ready to shun all diplomatic pretense and do whatever it takes to get his teammate back.


4) The Broca Divide

Sam may have figured out where Apophis fled so the team sets out after him. Upon arrival they are attacked by savages but also find a civilized group of humans with a mysterious link to the hostiles. Once SG1 returns home an infection begins spreading that causes people to act as the savages. Teal’c and Daniel must return to the world while Dr. Fraiser figures out what’s going on. But survival doesn’t look good for Daniel.


-Anderson does a really good job of portraying Jack as a savage. It’s fun to watch.


5) The First Commandment

SG9 is attacked by tribal-like natives… lead by a military officer with a god complex who is also Sam’s former love interest. SG1 sets out to stop his lunacy and bring him to justice before he can work an entire race of people to death building his temple. When the team's one ally is kidnapped and sentenced to a slow death success becomes even more important.


6) Brief Candle

SG1 steps through the stargate to find a woman giving birth. Daniel helps out, and the team is invited to take part in the people’s hospitality. Jack gets special treatment and quickly starts acting weird. When the infant turns up the next day as a young boy SG1 realizes that there is something very strange about these people, and it’s gotten into Jack. If Sam can't figure out what is causing Jack's rapid aging he will die of old age in a matter of days.


-This time Anderson plays an old man, and once again it’s fun to watch.


7) Cold Lazarus

On a strange yellow planet SG1 finds a field of broken crystals. A blast from one of them knocks Jack out cold and takes his form to return to Earth without anyone being the wiser. It begins exploring his life without realizing the depth of the pain that lies in his past.


-This one’s slower than the others, but it does have a pretty good emotional payoff.


8) Thor's Hammer

Teal’c takes SG1 to a forbidden planet and promptly discovers why the Goa’uld never come here. He and Jack vanish upon arrival, struck down by Thor’s Hammer. The people of this planet are protected from the Goa’uld by the Asgard – Norse gods who appear to have good intentions. Hope exists here for the Goa’uld inflicted, such as Daniel’s wife and Skaara, but it means only bad things for Teal’c. And it doesn’t help that there’s a deadly monster here, either.


-James Earl Jones plays the voice of the monster.


9) The Torment Of Tantalus

Guess what. (If you didn't say, "What?" you're disqualified). Daniel wasn't the first person to make the stargate work nor were his and Jack's team the first to pass through. Remember Catherine? Her fiance vanished though the gate and the incident covered up. Catherine doesn't know what happened to him, but armed with a sliver of knowledge SG1 sets out to figure it out and finds much, much more than they expected. When storms threaten to collapse the building housing the stargate the team realizes that if they can't figure out how to make it work without a DHD they may never get home.


10) Bloodlines

Dr. Fraiser is looking for a way to sever the bond between Teal'c and his symbiote. The team goes off in search for a larval Goa'uld for her to study. The hidden agenda behind the mission is that Teal'c wants to prevent his son from becoming a Jaffa. His actions have caused his family to become outcasts, but he does find an ally there.


-This provides us the opportunity to see his homeworld and the culture of the people that become servants of the gods in more detail. Master Bra'tac is introduced. He's the person that trained Teal'c. He becomes one of my favorite recurring characters.


11) Fire And Water

SG1 stumbles out of the stargate to somberly report the death of Daniel. As they try to recount the events they realize that something is wrong with them, and it's not just grief.


12) The Nox

SG1 travels to a world said to have creatures with impressive stealth capabilities. It’s a pretty simple reconnaissance mission until Apophis shows up and the stargate vanishes into thin air. Only the seemingly primitive people have any answers, but they aren’t saying much.


13) Hathor

Archaeologists discover an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus where there shouldn't be one. Recalling Daniel's laughable theories they realize he may be the only one with any clue to this find. In their ignorance they release Hathor who has been trapped since the days of Ra's rule. Is she the friend of humanity she claims to be or just tricky-evil? Sam seems to be the only one uneasy about her presence.


14) Cor Ai

A group of villagers wants justice for Teal'c murder of one of their own. He's arrested and put on trial. Taking him back by force would be a fairly easy task, but Teal'c won't allow it ready to face his punishment partially to ease his own aching conscience.


-Wow. This is an amazing episode. The emotion and conflict are so well done it may put a lump in your throat. Chris Judge really shines here doing a fabulous job with Teal'c's tumult.


15) Singularity


SG Command is setting up an off-world station for viewing a black hole singularity. SG1 arrives to find everyone, natives and SG personnel alike, dead except for one little girl. She gives them a singularity of a different kind. A bomb and attack vessel are about to make life miserable for everyone.


16) Enigma

SG1 rescues a number of people from a volcanic eruption on Tollan. Command is impressed with their technology, but the survivors are not grateful enough to share. They are hesitant in involving themselves with a primitive society and convey that by showing the least amount of respect possible. They actually have a valid stance, but it sure makes helping them while keeping them from being a security risk extremely difficult. When Maybourne (the guy you love to hate) shows up, Jack realizes he may have to save these people from his own allies.


-Tobin Bell guest stars.


17) Tin Man

SG1 is struck down investigating a new location. They awaken to meet a man full of strange customs and maybe a little off his rocker. They are, in fact, robots now, and when they go home they are promptly put under lock and key until their batteries start to die. If that wasn't bad enough they find they can never leave their base of creation nor return to their own bodies. Worse still is that Teal'c is malfunctioning.


18) Solitudes

SG1 makes an emergency return to base, but an energy surge kills the wormhole with Jack and Sam still in it. They aren't dead, but they might as well be because they are stuck in an ice cavern at an unknown location. If only it were as simple as dialing home. As they struggle to survive Daniel searches for them frantically.


19) There But For The Grace Of God

Daniel loses contact with his team. He returns home through the stargate alone to find the world completely different from the one he knows. It's a world under siege with Teal'c leading the opposing force. The best Daniel can hope for is to convince this group to trust him enough to try to get back to his real home.


-There's always a connected progression between episodes, but these next few (counting the season premier of season 2) might as well be one long episode. Only one actually says "to be continued," but they might as well all say it. Well, maybe not the last one.


20) Politics

Daniel is convinced that his previous experience means Earth is in immediate jeopardy. And what timing because Senator Kenzie is putting the whole Stargate program on trial. Kenzie actually has some valid points against the program, but he's a snake with intentions of shutting the whole thing down. Not even Daniel's own team really believes his story, much less Sen. Kenzie, so the fact that this command is Earth's one and only hope of fending off a Goa'uld attack is lost on them.


-This is actually a clip show revisiting the previous year of episodes. It might have been a good catch-up episode before the finale for those that missed some of the airings, but for the TVD it's not much more than a rehash. Fortunately the frame story is gripping.


21) Within The Serpent's Grasp

As SG Command is being shut down everyone but Daniel is ready to give up. He's willing to defy orders and sacrifice himself to save Earth, he just has to convince the others. If they fail the Earth is toast.


-Stargate season finales are not always the best cliffhangers, but this one is a nail-biter.

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