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(depraved Christian missionaries)


(violence, nudity, sex, strong language)


(see it only if you have a very strong interest)

"From Dusk Til Dawn" was a pretty good movie as far as mindless shoot-em-up vampire movies go, but I just couldn’t see a sequel being much good. So I skipped it. Then someone told me I should see the third one, and I figured with a title as cool as “The Hangman’s Daughter” it deserved a shot. All I did was confirm my suspicions that it wouldn’t make a good sequel.


It does follow suit with the original pretty well. It starts out as a tale of groups of people, not connected at first and having nothing to do with monsters. This time it’s an old West story which switches to a vampire attack towards the end. There are a number of different characters involved: the hangman, his innocent daughter, an outlaw and his crew, an outlaw wannabe, an older soldier, and a pair of missionaries. The outlaw escapes being hung and takes the daughter who has been abused by her father. The soldier is carrying something valuable to Spanish revolutionary Poncho Villa and ends up traveling with the missionaries.


After some conflict to intertwine all the groups they make their separate ways to the same destination, a place to rest for the night, an inn that is really a bordello of vampires. They find themselves in a struggle for survival against creatures that want them for supper, but there’s something special about the hangman’s daughter, something that the vampires want. The humans use this to their advantage, but will she be their ticket to safety or their doom?


It sounds like a story that could work, but the elements just don’t come together well enough. Some of the characters are pretty good, but some aren’t so much. My biggest disappointment are the missionaries. I was really hoping to identify with them since they are the closest to my own frame of mind, but they turn out to be more like caricatures than solid characters.


The outlaw wannabe is underdeveloped and feels like an unnecessary plot element to fill some time. He seems like he’s important for a while, but then the idea just kind of drops off without a satisfactory conclusion. The outlaw and the soldier are the best. They feel like they actually have a little depth and react in ways that fit. The hangman is almost in that league, but he has a backstory that is not explored fully enough to be satisfying.


Once we get from character development to mad monster mayhem I figured it would become a tense thrill ride much like the first movie. Unfortunately, I was simply unimpressed by the action choreography and scene composition. It’s hard to put my finger on exactly what it was I didn’t like without going back to watch the movie again which I don’t care to do. Maybe I’m just spoiled on Jackie Chan brand action scenes. Next to something like that this movie just feels like a chaotic mess.


Maybe I expect too much out of vampire action movies. I did get a kick out of the first movie; I just couldn’t get excited about this one. Maybe it’s my friend’s fault for talking it up so much in which case now that you’ve heard it sucks maybe you’ll like it more. When someone loves something THAT much can it ever live up to the hype for the next person?


The action here gets violent and bloody. People get eaten alive, cut, skewered and otherwise maimed.


There is some sex and lots of bared boobs.


The language is pretty strong throughout.


Most of the “spirituality” comes in the form of missionary characters. Some of these kinds of movies will treat a religiously-minded character with respect, but in this case it seems like a contrived opportunity for ridicule. I soon learned not to take the missionaries seriously. It's not that they struggle with sin, I could handle that, but it feels to me more like the movie makers want to say that religion is a mask for hiding the worst depravity. Am I being overly sensitive about it?


My criticism is compounded by overall disappointment in the movie as a whole and the additional disappointment of not being able to relate to the missionaries like I thought I would in the beginning. I don't recall much in the way of anything else spiritual aside from the fact that we're dealing with the supernatural in the form of undead vampires.

Final Thoughts

I don't recommend this at all especially if you're likely to be bothered by poor and irreverent portrayals of Christians. I've seen far worse movies, but my life would have been just fine if I had seen fit to skip this one.

Buying Guide

You have a couple of buying options for "From Dusk Til Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter."


The newest option is a Blu of the movie by itself and in a set of all 4 "From Dusk Til Dawn" movies. Two different companies have put out DVD's of the movie. They look virtually the same in the product listings but do have a few minor differences. Lastly is a DVD box set of all 4 movies.


The spec listings for the Blu are conflicting, but the most reliable sources say it's 1.85 widescreen at 1080p with 5.1 DTS HD audio. Reviews I found say that the quality is awful, at least by HD standards. Some actually recommend going with the DVD instead. The only extra I've seen mentioned is an interview with Robert Rodriguez which means that the DVD's deleted scene likely isn't included.


The audio and video quality on the Blu 4 pack also got very low marks in the reviews I saw. The different movies don't even get individual menus, just one to select which movie you want to see. There are no extras at all according to one reviewer. The only real benefit is that the set is very cheap. I guess you get what you pay for.


The DVD I haven't seen is the Echo Bridge release. While it is in widescreen it is 1.66. How much will this matter when you watch it? Maybe none. It will fill up your screen a little more, but you might be losing some of the image on the sides – not as much as a pan and scan print would lose at least. There are no audio specs and no extras listed.


The 4 DVD box set is put out by Dimension so it should be the same DVD as the one detailed below. Other than that I can't tell you much about it. If I ever decide to review the other movies in the series I may try to dig up more info on this.


Final Recommendation:

For a bad movie with little to offer on the DVD I hope you get a super cheap deal. It sounds like the best deals are going to be found with the series box sets although I wouldn't expect much out of the Blus.

The one I saw was the Dimension DVD which is a single disc release.



1.85 widescreen:

It's not terribly impressive, but it's tolerable.


5.1 Dolby:

It's clean enough to enjoy the movie but not immersive.



The case is standard plastic.



-Deleted Scene: You get exactly 1 extra feature, a deleted epilogue scene that I found mostly unimpressive.

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