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(comments on God, pagan magic)


(dark concepts, mild violence)


(worth seeing but maybe only for certain fans)

"Quicksilver Highway" is a little known collaboration that brings short stories by Stephen King and Clive Barker to the screen. Told in a pair of original frame stories that are tied loosely together the selections here seem to be based on bizarre ideas and dark comedy. Approaching it with a sense of humor is vital to getting any real enjoyment out of it.


Aaron Quicksilver is a collector of strange tales. He tends to find unlikely, unsuspecting audiences for his tales including a stranded bride and a roving pickpocket. His tales come to affect the lives of these two, but is he telling them the stories because he knows of the connections, or does he inject these elements into the lives of people who would otherwise go on living normally?


His first tale is “Chattery Teeth” by King. A traveling salesman picks up a hitchhiker who shows his gratitude by carjacking the good Samaritan. What neither of them know is that a pair of novelty teeth in the back of Bill's van has come to life. As it begins attacking Bill can't help but wonder if it's there to eat them both.


The next tale is “The Body Politic” by Barker. A brilliant plastic surgeon seems to be having a meltdown; he can't control his hands. It soon becomes evident that his hands have developed a mind of their own and want to live a life away from the rest of the body. As Dr. George argues and struggles with his rebelling hands those of other people begin following suit with George's hands as their leader. Carnage erupts as the hands begin severing themselves to gain sovereignty.


Both stories are ludicrously bizarre with the character of Quicksilver being nearly as strange himself. They can be too ridiculous for some to enjoy them which is why I encourage you to approach them with a sense of humor. If you can find them twistedly amusing this is a project worth seeing. I had a hard time myself with “The Body Politic” because it is so ridiculous. When I quit looking for rational explanations for everything and accepted the events for what they are I found myself amused.


Christopher Lloyd is Quicksilver and brings a respectability to such an unrealistic character. The acting in general is quite good, but it is Matt Frewer who really steals the show. From his easy grace as the pickpocket to his physical struggles as a doctor whose hands do not want to cooperate he sells every scene admirably. Veronica Cartwright puts in a small but delightful appearance, and other faces are familiar from having seen them in the likes of The X Files and 24.


I've never been one for reading Barker, but I had read “Chattery Teeth” more than once before seeing it here. It was the reason I sought out "Quicksilver Highway." The images are not as graphic as what I pictured when I read the story, but this is a faithful adaptation. There is little if any deviation from the original story. I would guess the same holds true for the Barker story.


Some of the concepts are morbid and the events dark. Violence includes people being attacked by novelty teeth, a car accident, strangulation, and hands being severed. It's not graphic at all. In fact, I was a little let down by the lack of intensity in the teeth attack. It makes the teeth seem less dangerous than I envisioned them. The severed hands look more like Thing from the Addams Family than something out of a zombie film.


Strong language is minor. This was made for TV, and it's pretty tame even by that standard.


Sexuality is limited to a few mild moments between the doctor and his wife.


Quicksilver makes the comment that there can be no God without Satan. I both agree and disagree with this statement. God as an entity doesn't need Satan to exist. God created Lucifer who took the role of the devil, and God will continue to exist when Lucifer meets his final judgment. As humans the statement does hold some truth for us. If we had no choice but God then we would have no choice at all. God wants us to love him out of our own free will. To do so we must have the choice to follow the opposition. So to restate the phrase in a more accurate way, there can be no choice to follow God without the choice to follow Satan.


God gets the credit for saving one of the characters although this is more of an off-hand remark than a real statement about God's involvement.


There is also some mention of pagan magic involving the burning of the hand of an executed man coated in fat. It is more a source of conversation and doesn't have any actually noticeable magic powers.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking to "Quicksilver Highway" for horror you will be disappointed. If you're looking for some morbid humor and don't mind some ludicrous premises then I'd say this is worth seeing.

Buying Guide

DVD details coming soon.















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