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(nothing direct)


(violence, blood, nudity, sex, drug use, strong language)


(see it only if you like low-grade dark comedy)

Oh, the bad movies people make. "Little Corey Gorey" is a movie that never even made it in front of the MPAA, or if it did it didn’t make it past them. There’s no reason I should like this flick. The acting is barely passable at best (and sometimes not even that), the production quality is low, and some of the content is distasteful. Yet I did like it, at least somewhat, enough to make it to the end and question what people will think of me when they find out I actually thought it worth watching. I guess it serves as a reminder of how twisted I can be.


So why did I like it? As bad as it is everything comes together in some strange way. There’s enough of a story here with a twisted but satisfying payoff at the end, a pacing that is good enough that it kept me from getting bored, and characters that managed to be interesting enough.


The story centers around Corey. His life sucks mostly because of his step-mom and step-brother who abuse him at every opportunity. When big bro. Biff steals his chance to go out with a girl Corey likes he finally retaliates, and Biff ends up dead. As Corey tries to figure out what to do the girl, Jackie, sees an opportunity to use him to find Biff’s hidden drug stash. With plans to sell it and run away together to escape punishment the two begin the search while struggling for ways to come up with some cash before Biff’s drug dealer takes it out of them in blood. Through one mishap after another the bodies pile up with still no way to escape.


One thing that saves the movie is that it knows what it can pull off as far as visual effects. People get dismembered, crushed, and chopped, but we only see enough to know what is happening without having to put up with watching painfully bad effects. Granted some of the action choreography is laughable, but I’ve seen worse.


I guess as much as anything the dark humor in it amused me. Corey doesn't WANT to be a killer, he just can't help it. This is not a movie to be taken seriously, and I think that's what makes it worth watching. It's more Sam Raimi (goofy horror like "Evil Dead 2") than D.L. Bousman (serious like "Saw"). If you can laugh at it, and know you're SUPPOSED to be laughing at it, you might enjoy it, too.


The movie is actually unrated but it deserves an R without question. Of course, the biggest thing is the violence. While not necessarily always graphically depicted we do get glimpses of severed limbs and see copious amounts of blood. Regardless of how much we don’t see the implications are gruesome and may be disturbing for those sensitive to that sort of thing. Lovers of violent movies will not be phased, however.


There is a great deal of strong language including religious and racial slurs.


There is one scene of a couple coupling with bare breasts in view, and some sexual content in some of the dialogue. We see Corey in his undies a few times, and there are other mild sexual references throughout such as a girl adjusting her clothes as if putting them back on.


There’s a great deal of drinking including underage partaking. There are at least two scenes of people doing drugs and numerous references to drug use throughout (remember part of the story involves looking for a hidden stash).


There are a few things you might potentially take away from this. Corey is almost a kind of unwitting avenging angel against evil so the idea of the evil you give will come back to you is present if only vaguely. There is also the notion that evil begets evil, and trying to solve it man's way leads to flawed outcomes.

Final Thoughts

I never would have bought this movie for the sake of owning it. If it hadn’t come in a box set I bought for other reasons I never would have seen it and would have been fine with that. However, if you like darkly humorous, campy horror movies you might want to check it out. It would make for a decent rental for some Friday night mayhem if nothing else.

Buying Guide

"Little Corey Gorey" is only available on DVD in a couple of multi-movie packs as far as I can tell.


You can get it as a part of the Drop Dead Gore-geous 4 pack or the Night Chills 10 pack.


All of the movies in the Drop Dead Gore-geous 4 pack are included in the 10 pack which makes me think they are going to be the exact same presentations.


Final Recommendation:

Having seen all the movies in the 4 pack I would say it's not worth it. At least the Night Chills 10 pack offers a few amusing flicks for your dollar. 

I'll tell you a bit more about the Night Chills 10 pack which has 5 double-sided DVD's.




This is a “full-frame” presentation. It's unimpressive but bearable quality. The lighting flickers a bit, and the image contains a fair amount of graininess and trash.



The audio is clear but not high quality.



The set has each disc in a multi-tray plastic case. You can read more details about the whole set in the Night Chills (10 pack) guide.



There are none.

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