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(nothing substantial)


(slight nudity & violence)



What would happen if a Russian defector being chased by his country’s enforcers bent on retrieving their stolen secrets found himself caught in a nuclear blast? Why he would mutate into a mindless, super-strong creature that likes to strangle random people for no reason, of course. And if that happened, well the law enforcement would of course have to go out hunting him with rifles and shooting at every person that happened to be running through the area because it’s obviously better to shoot first and ask questions later than to consider that an innocent person might be out here.


"The Beast of Yucca Flats" is truly a horrible movie. The whole concept and story are weak. The murder of the woman getting out of the shower at the beginning has nothing to do with the rest of the story, the characterization of the man that becomes the monster has no logic behind it, and the shooting of the innocent man during the monstry hunt is set up poorly.


The whole thing feels like a silent movie to which someone added an audio track. It’s narrated like a bad documentary, made worse by the fact that the narration is painfully crappy, and what actual dialogue there is is clearly not being spoken by the character on screen. The action is slow and stiff and the acting is awful which doesn’t help the funky audio style.


Given the reluctance of many movies of this era to show much in the way of questionable visuals this one is borderline shocking. For starters there is nudity (depending on which edit you see). In the censored edit you'll see about half of a woman’s nipple while the uncensored clearly shows naked breasts as the soon-to-be-victim towels off after a shower.


What’s more is that there is actual onscreen violence. A woman is choked to death right on camera! Then her corpse is shown where you can see it! There is still no blood or any such thing, but you’ll notice that many movies from this era have the actual murders happen offscreen and sometimes don’t even show the corpses. In that respect "The Beast of Yucca Flats" is more graphic than its peers even if it's still extremely tame by modern standards.


This movie barely has a plot nevermind any spiritual depth.

Final Thoughts

Everything about this movie is bad. If you happened to get it in a collection pack (as a public domain flick it shows up in a lot of multi-packs) I’m sure you’ll want to see it out of morbid curiosity so have at it. Otherwise, don’t go hunting for this poor excuse for cinema.

Buying Guide

Like so many of these old public domain movies "The Beast of Yucca Flats" has so many different releases that it is positively beastly.


There are numerous stand-alone DVD's and at least as many more different combo packs. I haven't seen any that stand out among the others.


All of the releases I checked out give the same specs (when they bother to list any at all) which is exactly the same as what I got in the 50 pack.


While there are 2 versions of the movie (one with nudity and one without – except for about half a nipple) the difference is so short that it doesn't appear to affect the listed run time, so I can't tell you which releases include which version.


None list any extras.


Final Recommendation:

I don't know why you would specifically want to own this movie, but do yourself a favor and at least get it in one of the multi-movie packs so you get a good value. The 50 pack is acceptable unless you are especially wanting the uncensored version.

I got mine in a pack of 50 “Horror Classics.”




This is the TV standard “full-frame” (what you usually get with these very old movies) and is actually pretty clean compared to a lot of movie of this age. It's still a crummy image by today's standards, but it's relatively fair. It's grainy with a fair share of trash in it.


2.0 mono:

The sound is also relatively clear compared to some other old movies. It's still a crummy mix and quality compared to a modern movie.



This particular disc is housed in a cardboard sleeve contained in a Velcro-fastened box.


This is the version that is edited to remove the nudity.



There are no extras of any kind.

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