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(nothing substantial)


(shootings, strong language)


(see once)

"Behind Enemy Lines" is a potentially good movie depending on what you want out of it. My primary interest in it was the subject matter: the Bosnian war. This is the major disappointment for me. While the war is the backdrop of the story, this isn’t really about the war. Case in point: we see the mass graves and people being shot, but, without already being familiar with the actual events, we don’t know that this is a factual massacre in Srebrenica. I hoped to learn something new from the movie, but, even though it gave me new questions to ask, I didn’t feel like I walked away more informed.


Other let-downs are some of the visual effects and some poor music selections (particularly when Burnett and Stackhouse are taking off on their mission, some guy is describing his girlfriend’s car, whoop-de-frakin-do). Another low point is the Bosnian dialogue. Most Americans, including myself, won’t be able to tell that there’s anything wrong with the characters that are speaking Bosnian (or Serbo-Croatian), but it tends to make viewers that speak the language cringe. People I have known (including my ex who was a Bosnian native that lived through the war as a teen) actually lost interest in seeing the movie because of the poor portrayal of some of the Serbs.


Still, despite my disappointments, it is very interesting to understand that the key events of the movie are steeped in fact: there was a pilot shot down over Bosnia, there was a massacre with mass graves that were cleverly disguised, and there were military personnel that fit the description and position of those chasing Burnett. I guess this all doesn’t mean a lot if you don’t know what the movie is about, so let me pause and clue you in.


The Bosnian war has ended, but peace is fragile. An American pilot and his navigator, Burnett and Stackhouse, on a photo recon mission accidentally capture some footage that will result in charges of war crimes against some of the Serbian officers. To cover their tracks the Serbs shoot down the jet and chase the crew down with lethal force. For political reasons the Navy can’t just swoop in for a rescue operation which gives the Serb forces time to send a specialist to hunt the Americans and attempt to destroy the evidence.


There is a great deal of excitement peppered with somber and dramatic moments. I don’t know that Owen Wilson was the best choice for the starring role, but Gene Hackman is terrific. I guess I have a hard time seeing Owen in the super-serious, dramatic role; he doesn’t carry the intensity like Mel Gibson or Ewan McGregor can.


I don’t know any of the other actors; a few of them give excellent performances while a few lack, but since most of them have little screen time I won’t go into a lot of detail. Just know that this is not one of those movies where every actor falls in place perfectly.


The story has its high points, but there’s a lot of watching the hero do little more than run from the bad guys. In fact, I thought it could have used less running and more story or could at least be shortened by about 20 minutes. Only so much bullet dodging can be interesting. A perfect story enhancement could have been developing the character of the hunter or at least a follow-up on the boy that helps Burnett instead of just sending him into fiction limbo.


Even though it’s about the war there’s not a whole lot of graphic violence. There is some, don’t get me wrong, but it’s mostly bad guys shooting at Owen Wilson without ever actually hitting him (since that would effectively end the movie). The primary exception (not including deleted scenes which have more of the same) is at least one gruesome shot of half-buried corpses – really barely enough to get the idea of the horrific mass graves across.


There is no nudity or sex, and I can’t even think of any references to such things.


There is a fair amount of strong language, excessive in a few scenes but not throughout.


The story never gets deep enough to have any spiritual connotations. You know something has got to be messed up for human beings to do this kind of thing to each other, but the evil is never taken beyond the human plane. I don't recall so much as a mention of the Serbs terrorizing these people because they were supposedly Muslims (having a Muslim name was enough even if the people being targeted were actually of a different religious faith – Christians were treated no differently). We know the Serbs have been killing people, we just don't know the deeper reasons of why.

Final Thoughts

All in all, I would say this movie is worth a rental if you're up for some action with a touch of real life to it, but it's probably not worth a purchase. I bought mine back when my family had a particular interest in the Bosnian war though I can't say that it was all that satisfying for our interests. I would think the people that would get the most out of having this in their libraries would be military/patriotic movie buffs. The Navy was heavily involved with the filming so the ships and much of the crew are 100% real. "Shot Through the Heart" and "No Man's Land" are better movies for a look at the Bosnian war.

Buying Guide

"Behind Enemy Lines" has a couple of simple buying options for you.


Essentially there is a DVD and a Blu that are basically the same release on different formats. There's also a box set of the 3 movies in this series though I could only find that on DVD.


Here's what I can tell you about the Blu. Video is a 2.35 widescreen picture at 1080p: Comments speak highly of this presentation as far as sharpness and color. The main negative I've see is the presence of some trash which is fortunately brief. Audio is 5.1 DTS HD. The surround sound gets even higher marks from reviewers. The immersion and clarity sound like they are exceptional. Extras appear to be the same as what comes on the DVD.


The trilogy package appears to offer the standard DVD version of each movie which means you will most likely get all of the extras I'll be  mentioning below.


Final Recommendation:

The pre-viz feature and some of the other extras are fun to see if you enjoyed the movie at all although there's nothing here that is a must-see as far as extras go. The Blu sounds like it might actually be a good showpiece for a high end entertainment system.

The DVD is a single disc.



2.35 widescreen:

The image is impressively clean and sharp.


5.1 DTS:

The surround sound is on par with the average modern movie as far as clarity. I can't say I'm especially impressed with the surround sound immersion.



It comes in a standard plastic case.


An insert card features some artwork and chapters list.


Its interface features animation and music – not the most creative I’ve ever seen, but it does show some effort on the part of the DVD designer. They are somewhat patriotic and appropriate, but I don’t care for the score all that much.




-Director: His fluctuates from interesting to boring,

-Producers: This one is mostly interesting all the way through. That is where I got most of the information I was really interested in such as relation to the true events in Bosnia.


-Extended & Deleted Scenes (with optional commentary):

-Original Main Title Sequence (2:54) It's much longer and more dreamlike.

-Take Off (2:02) Shots on the aircraft carrier showing people at work.

-Mass Grave (4:22) Much more gruesome than the final film.

-Hac (2:19) More violent and realistic than the final film.

-Killing Of The Tracker (1:43) A more violent scene.

-Original End Credit Sequence (1:16) A great split-screen ending.

-Reigert Is Relieved Of His Duties (1:22) The price of his actions.


-Pre-Vis Ejection Sequence (5:24) The Pre-Visualization feature is very unusual. It’s a string of clips used to cheaply plan out the jet being shot down near the beginning of the story. It’s an odd mix of doodles, CG, and live action. I thought it was fun to see so many different types of artwork together. It’s kind of long, but you can swap to an optional commentary if you get bored with the scene by itself.-Preview: A Minority Report trailer.


Easter Eggs:

-Truck Bed Alternate (2:17) This clip is kind of an alternate scene, kind of an outtake, and kind of a behind the scenes look. The focus is raw footage of Owen doing the scene in the truck bed on the way to Hac (a town he visits). I thought it was a lot of fun to watch and makes a good Easter Egg. Look for it in the Pre Vis menu, highlight the star above “Ejection Sequence.”

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