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(nothing substantial)


(graphic violence, gore, sex, nudity including full frontal, strong language)


(see it only if you have a strong interest in campy slashers)

I get bored easily with slasher flicks these days, but for a short while I got on a kick of revisiting some of the obscure ones from my youth. I think it started with being given a copy of "Silent Night Deadly Night" which lead to vague remembrances of others from long ago. I guess I was curious about what I found interesting in them back in the day. So even though I knew it wouldn't be as good as I thought it was in jr. high I sought out "Slaughter High."


In this one the killer is a dork who has been bullied relentlessly by a particular high school clique. While I was bullied myself I can be thankful mine never involved my bare butt being poked with a javelin nor acid being splashed in my face during a gas fire. Young Marty, on the other hand, ends up hauled off to the hospital disfigured for life.


Years later the members of this same clique are invited to a high school reunion at their now closed alma mater. Marty is prepared to give them a party they'll never live to regret and begins killing them one by one in gruesome ways.


If you think this sounds like a breeding ground for plot holes you're dead on target. Marty may be deranged, but he's very much non-supernatural – no dream attacks or return from the dead here. A minor amount of intelligence and teamwork on the part of the victims could have kept most of them alive. Seriously, after all that talk about needing to stick together they're going to leave the mechanic alone and vulnerable while trying to fix the tractor – their only hope for escape?


What I found interesting, though, is that most of the more glaring plot holes (including the ease with which the victims die) are explained with some unexpected twists at the end. Still, in order to fill in some holes they only dig others. I won't get into the details for those that don't want spoilers (as if anyone cares, but you never know). It's not great writing, but it ultimately proves to be more interesting than it initially appears.


Most of the acting is terrible. I mean it's kind of fun in a campy sort of way but certainly not dramatic. The producer's cameo is better than most of the starring roles. The coach is pretty cool, but his part is small. The guy playing Marty isn't bad. Unfortunately this is his only movie role as he killed himself about the time the movie was released. If he was that troubled, playing this kind of role probably didn't do his psyche any good.


The soundtrack is corny 80's stuff. It might not be so bad if it weren't so repetitive. Another weak element is the attempt to be American though it's shot in England. The accents show through in the actors, and the school does not look like an American school. And how about April Fool's Day (which plays a part in the plot) ending at noon? I've never heard of such a thing. I've read that this was a British tradition at one time.


This is a slasher so expect gore and violence. People get hacked, squashed, electrocuted, and dissolved. While campy it's still pretty gruesome.


There's a lengthy scene of full-frontal male nudity as Marty is tormented in a bathroom. He's poked and dragged and has his head dunked in a filthy toilet. There's more male nudity and some female breasts in a sex and murder scene later on and another scene of a girl naked in a tub.


There's plenty of strong language (including a lot of religious slurs), a lot of drinking, drug use, adulterous sex, and general cruelty. It's anything but a wholesome movie.


This is a story that focuses a lot on cruelty and revenge though not in any particularly thought-provoking way. We see bullying to the extreme followed by lethal revenge. If there is a positive anywhere here it is that being cruel to your fellow man results in nothing but pain. Even so, the revenge plot is little more than an excuse to have a bunch of murders play out on screen rather than to make the viewers consider how personal conduct affects the lives of others.

Final Thoughts

If you like campy 80's slashers then you might want to check "Slaughter High" out. I'm reminded of why I don't watch these kinds of movies anymore; I guess I just grew out of them. Otherwise this is nothing you particularly need to see.

Buying Guide

"Slaughter High" took a long time to come out on DVD. I half expected it to be out of print by now but when I last checked it was still around and even finding its way into several multi-movie collections.


Most notable is the “Lost Collection” DVD which is what I have. I also ran across a 4 pack and an 8 pack that include this film.


Both of the multi-movie packs I found have multiple movies on each disc which means that even the meager DVD extras you get with the stand alone version are likely stripped out. I'd be surprised if the video quality didn't suffer a little from the additional compression as well. However, they both contain the uncut version of the film. I was unable to find any useful comments on the content or quality of either release.


Final Recommendation:

The DVD extras are nothing too exciting if you would rather save a bit of money by going with a multi-pack. You're most likely going to sacrifice a little quality, but you're not exactly getting HD either way.

The Lost Collection is a single disc DVD offering.




The video states it's a “full screen presentation.” Yeah, doesn't look full screen on my widescreen TV. They really need to stop using that description for pan-and-scan ratio converts now that widescreen TV's are so common. The picture is fair but not very sharp. It contains some trash and is occasionally too dark.


5.1 Dolby:

The package says this is a 5.1 surround sound presentation. Sure, if they say so. It sounds decently clear but 5.1 or not it sounds low quality to me. This is nearly 25 years old and low budget so don't expect much.



The case is standard plastic.


The interface features a little music and animation. They look VERY 80's which I guess was the intent. I suppose the style is a little nostalgic, but they don't seem appropriate for a slasher flick. The ad for other “Lost Collection” movies don't show any other horrors so perhaps this is just a generic menu design for the titles in the set.


This is the uncut/uncensored version. The naked Marty torture scene is longer than the R rated version. Detail on exactly what else is different between the two edits is hard to find.



-Trivia Track: The only extra of note is a trivia track. When you watch the movie trivia questions or comments pop up like subtitles. I was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to have any facts about the movie. For the longest time we get stuff like who invented the bra and what's in a joint. Finally it offers some info on the cast and filming location.


-Trailer: It's a typical old trailer.


-Previews: They range from other slashers to Dirty Dancing.

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