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(some Bible verses tossed in at the end)


(full frontal nudity, violence and gore)


(don't bother)

There are a ton of movies and a TV series out by the title "Birds of Prey." It's easier to find this one under its alternate title “Beaks: The Movie.” This is the 1987 movie starring Chris Atkins and Michelle Johnson.


It’s all about birds attacking people and… um, well, that’s pretty much it. Michelle and Chris are a reporter and her cameraman/lover who are investigating the events. Seriously that about sums up the entire plot. It’s what would happen if Hitchcock’s "Birds" had been directed by an amateur.


It’s as if they filmed it thinking “if we put in lots of environmental commentary and blood people will want to see it.” Then they got to the end and realized it sucked so they decided to add lots of poorly composed slow motion shots of children in danger. When they realized that didn’t help they figured they would hire a body double and entice male viewers to see it on the prospect of seeing Michelle Johnson naked (which they then doubled up and used as 2 different scenes). Finally they gave up and released the film into obscurity.


Animal lovers may really take issue with the film. Despite being loaded with (poor) commentary about man’s treatment of the environment, the treatment of the birds in the film might bother sensitive viewers. There’s no disclaimer about how no animals were harmed during filming (I checked). The acting is awful, the pacing painful, the effects goofy, the tension laughable. The Biblical reference of locusts at the end is just sad. Plainly put there is nothing that makes this a movie worth watching. It’s not even one that so bad it’s fun.


The dialogue includes some strong language though not all that much.


There’s a good bit of blood including people getting their eyes plucked out and violence against birds.


While sexuality is not heavy (though it certainly isn't absent) there is some suggestion and some nudity. There are 2 scenes of full-frontal female nudity as Vanessa (Michelle’s character) gets out of the tub and a clear shot of a porno centerfold with legs spread touching herself provocatively to which Chris responds in perverted fashion.


As I mentioned there is a Bible passage thrown out at the end perhaps hinting that the attack of the birds is a plague sent by God? Except that God's plagues are specifically to demonstrate his power in situations like a Pharaoh not letting his people free from slavery or getting the attention of people at the end of the world. Using the passage in this movie is more like a weak attempt to add weight to the events. There's some other religious imagery such as an interview that takes place in a sanctuary with cluseups on a dove in the stained glass window. None of it has any real significance other than weakly trying to add something to be mistaken as depth to the story.

Final Thoughts

I don't suggest wasting your time on this poor attempt at a movie. It offers nothing positive. Run away! Run away!

Buying Guide

Even with numerous movies (and a TV series) going by the title "Birds of Prey," there are very few results that turn up in a product search.


I have found two pack that include this: Drop Dead Gore-geous a movie 4 pack and Night Chills, a 10 pack.


All of the movies listed in the Drop Dead Gore-geous 4 pack are also available in the 10 pack. I tend to think that the presentation quality is going to be exactly the same.


Final Recommendation:

Personally, I don't think the movies offered in the 4 pack are worth the effort. At least a few of the ones in the Night Chills set are mildly amusing.

I'll tell you a bit about the version in the “Night Chills” 10 pack.




This is the TV standard ratio. The video quality is not as terrible as some in this pack, but it's certainly far from great. There's a fair amount of trash, shadowy lines, and grain present.



The stereo audio is likewise bearable but far from impressive.



The set has each disc in a multi-tray plastic case. You can read more details about the whole set in the Night Chills (10 pack) guide.



There are no extras of any kind.

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