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(nothing substantial)


(disturbing concepts)


(worth seeing multiple times)

Recorded Live is an old student film by director S.S. Wilson (originally aired on HBO I think). I’ve been looking for this title for years (having last seen it when I was around 5 give or take a year). It is low-budget, campy, and weird. The sound and video quality are as low as anything you're likely to see on a widely distributed DVD. It looks like something I might have tried to make in college. And yet despite anything I have to say that may come across as negative I consider it one of the treasures of my DVD collection.


When a man goes to a TV studio to interview for a job he finds himself being chased by an unlikely villain. It’s man against monster (of sorts) with losing meaning a fate as strange and creepily campy as the creature itself.


I know my feelings won’t be shared by everybody, but I absolutely love this strange little film. Maybe it’s because I’ve been searching for it for 20 years. I finally found it on the Tremors 4 DVD and don't know if it is available anywhere else (I checked for it on youtube as I was writing and was able to find it there). Seeing it for the first time since before I could tie my own shoe I can only imagine that in front of the TV I looked like a kid who just caught Santa Claus and discovered that he's really a vampire. As a result I can't view it objectively and will personally stalk you mercilessly until you break down and finally watch it yourself.


There is a grand total of exactly 1 actor in the entire movie (unless you count the voice reading the note). His list of acting credits is small and unimpressive though he appears to be quite prolific as a makeup effects artist. He doesn't have much to do here except run around looking scared which he does acceptably well. His screams sound suitably panic-stricken.


The creature is animated with stop-motion and other tricks. It actually sells admirably well and is visually more realistic than some bigger-budget creatures done with more modern technology. Having said that it's not going to blow you away with smooth animation like a Pixar movie, this is still low-budget campy, so don't go into it expecting perfect realism.


The music is a jazzy piano score that sounds like it came out of a cartoon's saloon. The sound effects are cartoony and amusing. They add a lot of character to the feel of the film.


I would classify this as dark humor. From one perspective it is hysterical in concept and execution. From another perspective it's a bit disturbing, even tragic. It's more of a gimmick than a real story, but the 8 minute run time keeps it from feeling drawn out.


There is virtually nothing questionable in this at all. There's hardly any dialogue so there's not really much opportunity for strong language. There's nothing the least bit sexual or revealing.


The violence involves a creature attacking a man and him fighting back, but there is no blood or anything graphic. The concept can be a bit disturbing depending on how you look at it, but that's about all I can say. Even the creature in and of itself is not particularly frightening. I saw this as a very young kid and quickly developed a fascination that has stayed with me my entire life so I think it's fine for younger audiences (assuming they are as weird and demented as I am).


Like I said, this is more of a gimmick than a story. There's not much spirituality to discuss. You could very easily apply a metaphor, though, such as the horror of getting absorbed in a job to the point of losing yourself, or the potential for the film industry to be a devouring monster, or even monsters think you taste good so be considerate and marinate yourself. OK, maybe that last one doesn't work so well, but I like it just the same.

Final Thoughts

I don't expect everyone to go catnip crazy over this like I seem to, but I only have to look at the comments on the Youtube video to know that I'm not the only one to nearly wet my britches when I finally found Recorded Live after all these years. You have to have an affinity for extremely odd short films and all the better if you like the older ones on top of that. If that describes you then this one is clever, unusual, and entertaining beyond all rationality. Give it a shot if you get the chance.

Buying Guide

DVD details (for Tremors 4) coming soon.















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