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(nothing substantial)


(giant monsters attacking)


(so bad it's almost amusing)

Old Godzilla movies have pretty cheesy looking effects. What would happen if they got downgraded a few notches? Answer: "Monster from a Prehistoric Planet." It makes Godzilla look positively high-tech. There's a reason you've never heard of this despite the popularity of other kaiju.


To start out with the title is a little misleading. I expected alien monsters or at least dinosaurs of some kind. There’s no indication that the creatures we meet come from anywhere but Earth. OK so maybe “planet” actually refers to Earth. But you can’t consider that unless you already know the movie doesn’t involve other planets. If the planet is Earth then that would suggest that we were dealing with some kind of dinosaur. Godzilla is closer to a true dino than these things are. These look like a bird and a dino got a little too friendly and had secret babies they needed to hide from their friends on a remote island.


And that is where the story starts out - with a team of explorers sent out into the uncharted areas of the world to find animals for a tourist attraction. They stumble across a primitive island tribe (think King Kong) who seems to be guarding some secret. The explorers find a baby monster, and when they take it back to the civilized world the monster-parents come looking for little Junior, tearing up everything in sight along the way. They seem to be unstoppable as they laugh derisively at the best weapons 1967 had to offer!


This really is a train wreck. It’s so dumb I don’t think I would even bother adding comic commentary to it. Nah, I take that back. I would. Maybe I would be more forgiving if the monsters looked better, although I think part of my discontent is because it feels like Godzilla should be showing up at any moment when of course he never does.


It’s an old Japanese movie so expect the stereotypical bad English dubbing. This kills any potential for real drama or suspense. I don’t think they used actors for voice overs back then, I think they were really robotic monkeys.


This is a very tame movie like most old Japanese “horror.” The monsters attack and are attacked in typical I-ate-Tokyo fashion, but there is little if any serious violence: nothing bloody, sexual, or profane.


Take whatever implications you want out of this being about super creatures from a prehistoric Earth, but there really isn't anything spiritual here at all.

Final Thoughts

This is one to skip. Unless you’re just really die-hard for some old Japanese monster movies that don’t have to involve any of the famous Kaiju creatures, I say don’t bother. About the only people that will really enjoy this one are those that want to relive watching it as a kid.

Buying Guide

"Monster from a Prehistoric Planet" can most easily be found in packs of other non-Godzilla kaiju films.


You can find this by itself on a number of different DVD's. Since most people have better sense than to buy them, most of the releases are multi-movie packs.


They all look the same to me. They list the same specs (detailed below) and make no mention of any remastering or extras.

The only ones that stand out at all are a double-feature that mentions remastering and a 3D version, but further details on either one are scarce.


Final Recommendation:

The quality of the 50 Horror Classics pack isn't much good, but I would be surprised if any of the others offered anything significantly better. Get this one as cheaply as possible because you won't be getting much for your money.

I got my copy in a 50 pack of “Horror Classics.”




There is no widescreen version. The image is very trashy, the colors are thin, and the focus is fuzzy. It appears to be cut off on both edges.


2.0 mono:

The sound is distorted to the point of making some of the dialogue slightly unclear. There is plenty of white noise and other issues.



This particular disc is housed in a cardboard sleeve contained in a Velcro-fastened box (I believe it's been repackaged in plastic for later editions). You can read about the set as a whole in great detail in the Horror Classics (50 pack) guide.



There are none.

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