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Futurama season 4 episodes number 21 this time.


1) Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch

Kif gets pregnant, but the identity of the mother is in doubt. No matter who the genetic parent is Kif sees Amy as his one and only, but she's not sure she's ready for such a responsibility. She must come to grips with herself and decide what is more important, her freedom from major responsibility or her relationship with Kif.


2) Leela's Homeworld

Leela uncovers evidence that she is being stalked by people who know the fate of her parents. She is determined to discover the truth, but she may not be ready for what she learns.


-It has a touching ending.


3) Love And Rocket

The ship gets an upgrade to a female personality. Bender courts her then gets bored. It's not good to be in a ship in the middle of space and take away its will to exist. The Ship sets her sights on compressing Bender and her together by flying them into a quasar. It will take a team effort to stop her, but she has disabled the oxygen and gravity - bad news for Fry and Leela. Fry proves he is willing to put his life on the line for Leela as he searches for a way to make her fall in love with him.


-Sigourney Weaver guest stars and Lucy Liu makes a cameo.


4) Less Than Hero

Fry and Leela find an ointment that endows them with super powers for a short while. They decide to form the New Justice Team along with Bender. When the Zookeeper discovers their true identities, he uses that to blackmail them into doing his bidding.


-It could have used a more exciting, triumphant, super-heroic ending.


5) A Taste Of Freedom

Freedom Day is a time when Earthicans do whatever they want without fear of consequence. Zoidberg is especially appreciative of that concept and displays it by eating Earth's flag at a planet-wide ceremony. So much for no consequences; he is put on trial and found guilty. In retribution his race attacks and conquers Earth. Zoidberg wants Earthicans to appreciate their freedom so he takes it away for the purpose of teaching them a lesson. His superiors, though, take it too far so he joins with Earth to fight for freedom once again.


-Phil Hendrie guest stars.


6) Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV

Bender manages to weasel his way onto "All My Circuits" as Calculon's son. He does anything but follow the script, but his high energy dancing, smoking, and drinking increases ratings so the network puts up with him. Dwight and Cubert love him and begin emulating his habits so their dads form a protest group. When the boys take the last big step to thievery it's Bender they rob. This sets him off to the point that he joins the protest group himself. They march on the studio lot, but the network execs will have their rating-winning performance if they have to get it a gunpoint.


10) Jurassic Bark

Fry discovers his petrified dog in a museum. He had met Seymour on a pizza delivery, and they were fast friends. Now he wants his friend back since the Professor has the ability to clone. Bender is jealous, though, he wants to be the center of Fry's affections so he tries to sabotage the cloning process. That's when he realizes how much the dog really means to Fry.


-The ending is perhaps the most tear-jerking of any episode.


11) Crimes Of The Hot

Global warming is beginning to cause serious problems with the heat index. The world's top scientists gather to find a new solution to the problem when Farnsworth reveals a shocking revelation. It's the emissions from the robots that is causing the warming. President Nixon sets in motion a plan to deactivate all robots including Bender. It's up to Farnsworth to find a solution and save all the robots.


-Al Gore makes a cameo.


12) Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles

The crew determines that Farnsworth is too old. They take him to a youth spa. Bender's over zealousness results in them all being covered in youth tar. They are all reverted to their younger selves. In an effort to correct the problem Farnsworth makes it worse; now they're getting continuously younger which will not stop until they no longer exist. The mythological fountain of aging seems to be their only hope, but it's a dangerous swim to take.


13) The Why Of Fry

The brains have set out to learn everything there is to know about the universe at which point they will destroy all other life. Nibbler takes Fry into space and explains why he is the only person that can defeat the brains. The brains reveal the truth about the night Fry fell into the cryogenic chamber; it wasn't an accident. They offer Fry a chance to keep that from happening so he will stay in his own time, but there may be one thing in his future life that will give him second thoughts.


14) Where No Fan Has Gone Before

Fry can't accept the fact that Star Trek is outlawed. He takes Leonard Nimoy on a quest to find the other cast members and episode tapes. The crew discovers a strange world where an energy being named Melllvar has kidnapped Shatner and the others for a non-stop Star Trek convention. When he sees the heroism of the Planet Express crew, he pits the two groups against each other in a battle to the death. They beat the crap out of each other for a while before deciding that a team effort will be the only escape from this prison planet.


-Jonathan Frakes has a cameo. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Walter Koenig, George Takei, and Nichelle Nichols guest star.


15) The Sting

The crew goes to a space hive to collect honey. This was the same mission that killed the last 2 of Farnsworth's crews. As one of the bees comes after Leela, Fry sacrifices himself to save her. Leela feels responsible for his death and has a hard time coping. She dreams of Fry which makes her think that maybe he's alive in some form trying to communicate with her.


16) Bend Her

Bender is so desperate to win an Olympic event he's willing to enter the female competitions. He has Farnsworth perform a temporary sex change operation. He has every intention of going back to his original form, but the glitz and glamour of being a highly decorated athlete gets to him. He pushes it to the limit resulting in Calculon falling in love with him. When he sees the true depths of Calculon's emotions, he can't bear hurting the misguided fool. Now it will take the entire crew making a soap opera to get Bender out of this with Calculon keeping his dignity intact.


17) Obsoletely Fabulous

Momcorp has unveiled its newest release, a new model robot that makes previous models obsolete. Bender takes this blow to his greatness hard and reluctantly goes to get an upgrade that makes him compatible with the new model. He decides that his hatred of the other is greater than his need for the upgrade so he escapes to sea. He finds himself on an island of obsolete robots where he learns to appreciate the absence of technology. When he realizes he himself is the most advanced technology around, he has a downgrade to a steam-powered, wooden model. He wants to take this concept of simplicity to his friends by destroying their technology, but things don't go as planned.


18) The Farnsworth Parabox

Farnsworth creates a box containing another universe. There exists another version of each person there, variations of the originals with only a few small differences. As they get to know each other they suddenly realize that Hermes, left alone in the first universe, is about to destroy the box with them in it. They have to get back to stop him but the Zoidbergs have run off with the box.


19) 300 Big Boys


Nixon gives $300 to each citizen. Everyone blows their cash in different ways: Hermes buys a toy for Dwight, Fry spends it all on coffee, Bender buys a burglar's kit to heist an insanely expensive cigar, Kif buys Amy a special watch which gets eaten by a whale so Leela, who has bought a pass to swim with that whale, hatches a plan to get the animal to vomit up the timepiece. Zoidberg searches desperately for what makes rich people happy and discovers that 1) stuff they like is overrated 2) $300 doesn't actually make him rich, and 3) helping someone in need is more fulfilling than eating caviar or buying bad silk tapestries.


-Roseanne Barr makes a cameo.


20) Spanish Fry

Fry is abducted by aliens and his nose taken. Human noses are considered an aphrodisiac. The crew is surprised to learn who has taken his nose, and when the culprit finds out the nose is not the human reproductive organ he decides he wants to remove another part of Fry's anatomy.


21) The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings

Fry is desperate to make Leela fall for him. Holophoner lessons are getting him nowhere so he makes a deal with the robot Devil. Fry will get a set of robot hands that will allow him to play masterfully without having to spend years practicing. The Devil is up to tricks, though, trapping Leela in an unfair contract. Fry must choose to keep his new abilities endowed by these hands or give them up to save Leela and risk her not wanting him because he can't make beautiful music anymore. The series ends with a hint of what their future might be.


-Dan Castellaneta guest stars.

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