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(nothing substantial)


(nudity, sexuality, strong language, drug content)


(see it only if you have a strong interest in an aspect of it)

I'm going to be revealing a bit of my bias in my "Forrest Gump" review because I have such a different opinion from the general populace. Why in the world does everyone like this movie so stinking much? Even people who I consider to otherwise have good taste in movies love this flick while I just don’t get it. Maybe it just didn’t click with me somehow; it was a struggle for me to even get to the end. When it was over the only thing I could think of was, “I’ll never get those 2 hours of my life back.” The only half-decent thing to come out of the movie was a Weird Al parody song+video.


I wrote my review well after the fact (I saw it before I started writing these), and can’t make myself sit through it again so I may not remember everything I disliked about it or other details that I normally try to cover. To help with that I started reading other reviews to refresh my memory. I read one after another supposedly good reviews that gave the movie the highest marks, yet only one made me question my severely negative view – one written by the parent of an autistic child who was encouraged by the movie. OK, so I can see how an autistic person could relate to and be encouraged by the movie (though I have Asperger's Syndrome myself and it doesn't affect my enjoyment), and I apologize to them in advance for my distaste of it; however, I will not change my opinion for the sake of not being different rather than being honest.


Much of my dislike comes from simple boredom. I could not get interested in anything that was going on, didn’t feel empathetic towards the characters, and thought they tried too hard to generate too many catch phrases. What was going on: I guess we’re on a journey through Gump’s life. It’s a series of unlikely events like accidentally unveiling a Presidential scandal, stumbling across a Black Panther meeting, getting discovered for extraordinary football and ping-pong playing talents, meeting Presidents, becoming a millionaire because of a dead friend’s idea, having a baby with a Playboy bunny, etc.


It all feels too jumpy to me with the focus shifting constantly. I’m surprised he didn’t accidentally figure out space travel, hang out at Hugh Hefner’s mansion, and provide the basis for Stan Lee’s superheroes. I guess a lot of people thought the story flowed and was entertaining, but I thought it was a way to work in as many recognizable events as possible to make the movie more marketable.


The characters: Forrest is OK. I won’t argue against Tom Hanks doing a good acting job there, but I can’t think of another actor/character that I thought was particularly good (again, keep in mind that I was bored during the scenes and not watching with a critical eye). Gary Sinese – he does an acceptable job, I guess, but I didn’t think he brought anything memorable to the role. Sally Field – I’ve never seen a movie I like Sally Field in. Robin whatshername – I couldn’t get past the poor character whether it was the writing or her performance. I mean seriously, is she going to get up on stage butt naked, sing folk songs, and expect a bunch of alcohol-infused guys to give a rolling donut about the message in her music? Maybe someone could be so misguided that she could think being nude would get a crowd of horny, straight males’ attention enough to listen to what she has to say, but to make it the action of a believable character takes more character development, scene set-up and/or follow-up than this movie had. I saw it as nothing more than an excuse to show Robin’s bare butt on screen for a second or two. Adding not only to the disjointed flow of the story, but also to my irritation at the pushing of the rating which I will look at more closely in a bit.


Catch phrases: Stupid is as stupid does. It sounds like pointless cinema dribble to me. Add to that the other phrases that permeate the movie, and the result is my getting annoyed with them.


Ah, yes, more annoyances. It seems to me like this movie was an attempt to get as close to an R rating as possible while still being PG13. You know, if you want to make an R rated movie with nudity and language and whatever then make one. If you want to make a movie appropriate for 13 year olds then there’s no need to push the envelope on questionable content especially if there's no actual purpose behind doing it.


I’ve already mentioned some of the nudity. It's a short but clear shot of Robin's butt as she walks off stage after playing a song in the buff for a bunch of guys wanting to see her do more than sit on a stool with a guitar. While she's playing we see enough of her to know she's naked but she's mostly covered by the guitar. There's a little bit of male nudity as well, I believe (a shower scene perhaps?).


There's other sexuality about which I don't remember the details. I do know that Robin's character is a Playboy bunny, and, if memory serves, she lures Forrest into bed at some point. I think there is some implied sexual child abuse.


There is at least 1 F-bomb as far as language. Evidently you can have 1 in a movie and still be PG13 instead of R so of course the movie has to have one. There is other language as well.


Violence is tame. Part of the movie deals with war and the assassination of JFK. There is some blood in a few of these scenes but nothing that stands out in my memory. There is some bullying and child abuse.


There are a few references and/or usage of drugs though I don't recall the details.


I'll have to save this for other fans. I simply didn't care enough for the movie to be able to discuss it at any length. These days I take notes on religious and spiritual elements during the movie so that when it's over, no matter how bad it was I can remember the key points. I didn't do that with "Forrest Gump" and honestly can't even tell you if there is any mention of religion at all after all this time.

Final Thoughts

Look, a lot of people think very highly of this movie, and my opinion is certainly not the be-all, end-all. My parents liked it because of the cultural references to their younger years, others connect with the story because of their own personal links with autism, and others are touched by the sentimentality. I guess I just saw commercialization that I couldn't get past.

Buying Guide

I must apologize in advance because my "Forrest Gump" DVD guide is going to be severely lacking. Hopefully one day I will be able to bring in more writers, and one of them can create a better guide. I saw this on DVD at someone's house. Beyond that I have no first-hand experience with any of the releases and have no plans to get my hands on one. What you will read here is based on research of spec listings and customer reviews.


While there are more listings that appear during a search there are 2 Blu buying options. One is the regular Blu, and the other is a chocolate box gift set. I also saw a double feature with "The Green Mile."


If you're more interested in getting a DVD you have a number of options. The chocolate box packaging is available. You can get a 2 disc Special Collector's Edition. Lastly is a “Best Picture” collection of movies.



The 2 Blu releases are essentially the same thing with a few packaging bonuses for the chocolate box (I can't promise to cover everything, only what I've seen listed). The box set offers its discs in a package designed to mimic a box of chocolates with a facade inside that looks like chocolates are inside. It's scratch and sniff so it supposedly even smells real. There's a feather inside and a small book with pictures and quotes.


Whichever package you get you'll be getting a 2 disc set. They will feature 1080p widescreen and 5.1 DTS HD lossless audio. Reviews are saying that it looks and sounds outstanding getting perfect or near-perfect marks from every review I looked up. Extras include a couple of commentaries; several features covering special effects, screenplay adaptation, and musical selection; something called “Little Forrest;” another mystery feature called “An Evening with Forrest Gump;” Easter eggs (for which I have seen no details); and other “archival special features” which usually means the things that were offered in earlier DVD releases.



The chocolate box packaging is the same for the DVD version of the gift set, and most likely the majority (if not all) of the same extras will be present. Of course you won't get the HD quality with the regular DVD.


The Special Collector's Edition is a 2 disc DVD. I expected this one to be similar to the Blus I listed above (basically the non-chocolate box DVD version), but the extras list is different. This one lists a documentary, a sound design feature, a production design feature, visual effects, photo galleries, and screen tests. The audio is 5.1 Dolby surround (with a stereo option) with a 1.85 widescreen picture.



The double feature Blu offers the exact same presentation specs but fewer extras. It lists 2 commentaries and a “Musical Signposts to History.” "The Green Mile" offers more extras in this set.


The “Best Picture” set might be a good way to boost your DVD library if you're interested in what the Oscars have considered to be the best movies. There are some good ones here for sure ("Braveheart" is a personal favorite). Unfortunately there isn't much info on the set. One review states that "Forrest Gump" is the 2 disc version but that the other movies are mostly bare-bones.


Final Recommendation:

While I personally won't be buying any of these sets I hope that's enough info to help you sort out what your options are at least for starters. If you are a fan it sounds like there are some great offerings for you to enjoy especially if you like unusual packaging that smells realistic (glad they didn't do that for the "Saw" movies).

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