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The second and last set of The Brak Show episodes numbers 14.


1) New Brak

Brak has a new friend, Clarence, who is obsessed with him. The kid wants to be Brak, but Brak prefers to be himself.


-This one is a little more like the episodes I knew and loved from before. Space Ghost puts in an appearance.


2) Feud

Thundercleese shoots down a dead tree in Brak's yard. Mom is happy it’s gone, but Dad wants revenge, then Thundercleese wants revenge on Dad. Back and forth they go until they land in the belly of a worm with an loud, obnoxious guy called Petroleum Joe (played by Weird Al).


-I was excited about a Weird Al appearance (see my many Weird Al reviews). I was surprised to hear him cuss and act perverted since he rarely if ever does things like that.


3) Runaway

Brak is mad at Dad and runs away in a spaceship. Space Ghost shows up to arrest Brak for being a criminal in the future from his show in the past. Brak meets up with Zorak and Moltar who begin leading Brak down the path of villainy.


4) Brak Street

Brak wants to enter a rap contest, but he has to go up against rap master Prime Cut Miggity Mo Mack Daddy Jizzabang Doggy Dogg Dogg. And that’s pretty much the entire plot.


-The majority of the episode is done with characters rapping their lines.


5) Dinner Party

Brak and his folks are invited to dinner at the new neighbors’ house. But the neighbors have a dangerous secret.


-Mostly the secret is that they are exceedingly random.


6) We Ski In Peace

Mom wants Dad to find a job, but instead he finds a boat. Turns out he already has a job, a secret one. But the giant ants will change it all.


7) Braklet Prince Of Spaceland

Dad is dead and Zorak takes his place. Thundercleese gives Brak a weapon to kill Zorak.


8) Coma

If those previous two don’t strike you as strange how about this one. Dad buys a vacuum cleaner. Thundercleese falls in love with it. Dad sees an opportunity to exploit his neighbor for gifts until the writers got bored of the episode and just ended it.


9) Shadows Of Heat

Dad is planning something top secret with Martinez, but the intrigue is so thick it’s almost nonexistent. Brak and Zorak find themselves drawn into it. They seek out “the butcher.”


-There’s not much of an actual story here, but it does have some funnier moments than the past few episodes have had.


10) Enter The Hump

Dad gets attacked by radioactive animals due to a talking ape’s deception. As he mutates taking on bat and camel qualities he decides to become a super hero.


-As goofy as the premise sounds I thought this one actually showed some potential, but the end is a letdown.


11) Splat

Mom has developed a taste for violence. She killed Zorak and is trying to hide the evidence. The investigators are getting awfully close, though.


12) Sexy New Brak Show Go

Brak finds himself and his family in a reality show/commercial. The people in charge are more interested in the “commercial” part than the “reality.”


-This one is kind of fun for its parody of Asian entertainment. With all of the popular cartoons that originated there it’s a fun jab at them. For once the haphazard elements the series has been pulling into its episodes work for it instead of against.


13) All That I Desire You

Mom is set to marry Zorak, but Dad is willing to divorce Cynthia to keep Mom.


-Huh? What? Who is Cynthia? Dad is married and not to Mom? Mom and Zorak? You’ll still be asking these questions when the episode is through.


14) Cardburkey

Brak moves out so he has a place of his own to bring girls. A god offers to grant Brak a wish, but they have trouble agreeing on what it should be.


-Yet another strange episode with an abrupt ending. Marsha Crenshaw makes a cameo at the end for one of my favorite moments in the season. 

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