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(nothing substantial)


(cartoon violence, crude language, sexuality)


(worth seeing only if you are a really big fan of Brak)

I loved "The Brak Show" volume 1. I gave it high marks and plenty of praise. And I waited for volume 2, and waited, and waited. FINALLY it came out. And boy was it ever not worth the wait! Huh? Did I just say what you think I said? Yep, I sure did. Go back and read it again if you don't believe me.


But WHY would I say such a thing when I’m obviously a Brakaholic? I mean ever since "Cartoon Planet" I have loved this character, and "The Brak Show" was one of my favorite cartoon comedies when it began. Then it went downhill like a skier that had too many bran muffins before the big race.


The show is a sit-com parody much like "Space Ghost Coast to Coast" parodies talk shows and Harvey Birdman parodies courtroom dramas. Brak is a young man …er… alien cat-like thingamawhosit, living with his parents. His best friend is Zorak, an evil mantis who is a bad influence on innocent little Brak.


The first mistake the show makes is dialing down the Brak and Zorak content. I think George Lowe as Dad is extremely funny. His little stories that make no sense and off the wall comments have me in stitches quite often. Mom is the straight-man, so to speak, for Dad’s silliness. These are fun supporting characters, but they should be supporting. Brak and Zorak are the stars and are what drew me, and most other viewers I know, to the show. Too many of these new episodes feature Mom and Dad prominently with very little Brak and Zorak. In fact, Zorak is completely absent from a couple of episodes and has no lines in at least one other one. This severely hurts.


The next problem is the new character Clarence. He’s a pudgy alien boy who idolizes Brak. He’s fine for an episode or two, but he goes beyond that and starts encroaching on the already shortened screentime for Brak and Zorak. He begins replacing Brak as the innocent character of the show which leads to my next issue. Brak is much less innocent than he has been up to this point. I’m not sure if this was intended and thus created the need for Clarence or if the new character just kind of pushed Brak to change. Either way it makes Brak less endearing.


Another change is the voice of Mom. Marsha Crenshaw had a sweet, all-American voice. One reason I liked this so much was that it fit with the classic sit-com parody idea. It was also extremely funny to hear her belt out some of the strange lines she did in that syrupy voice of hers. She is replaced by Joanna Daniel whose voice is less sticky-sweet and carries a British accent. I have nothing against Joanna, her voice just doesn’t fit the situation or the comedy as well as Marsha’s did. In addition, it takes a couple of episodes for her to settle in so a number of the early lines sound read off the page instead of natural.


If that weren't enough the stories barely even deserve to be called “stories” at all. The show has been silly and random, no question there. I mean Brak walks around wearing his dead grandfather's nose in an effort to get girls to notice him, Dad's lion mane comes out of nowhere, and the whole Carmine as Zorak's voice thing? And yet there was still a cohesive story more or less. This last set of episodes is more like throwing a bucket of water at a cup hoping enough lands in it to fill it up. On a couple of occasions this more or less works, but after a while the sudden randomness gets old especially with the other weaknesses I've mentioned.


I haven't done a show-by-show comparison or anything, but it seems to me that season 2 has gotten more "adult." It tends to have more crude language, far more sexual allusions, and worse violence. People actually die in this volume whereas before they would get blasted but be okay in Looney Tunes fashion.


Mom even goes as far as to use Zorak's severed head as a puppet as she asks Dad for a kiss. They then proceed to eat Zorak's corpse to hide the evidence of his death. OK, yes, I'm a morbid weirdo who found the corpse-head puppet one of the most disturbingly funny moments in the entire season (I'm laughing aloud at it just by reading my comment on it), so I'm not passing judgment I'm just letting you know it's there.


Clarence has sex with a goddess. While we don't see the deed on screen we hear it go down from the other room after which Clarence enters smoking a cigarette and bragging about his exploit. When the goddess herself enters sporting trailer-trash short shorts we get a few comedic details about Clarence's sexual ineptitude.


Petroleum Joe is obsessed with “naked ladies,” and there's a whole weird marriage mixup thing which makes Brak an illegitimate child born from a technically adulterous relationship. Or maybe storks brought him, I forget what the truth of that whole “story” is supposed to be.


There is no real spirituality in this aside from a mythological god appearing to Brak to grant a wish. It's not deep or serious enough to have much of a message of any kind really.


The episode “Feud” did make me think about the cycle of revenge, though. Over and over the Bible teaches us to let things go. Forgive your neighbor (Matthew 18, the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:12, etc.), turn the other cheek in Luke 6, revenge belongs to God not us (Romans 12), and countless others. I think this kind of situation of two people constantly trying to get back at each other is a practical example of why forgiveness is better than revenge.


“Feud” doesn't really have much of a message, the clash in the show is played for laughs not for a fable message, but it does show how this kind of behavior only results in destruction and harmful consequences. Imagine how the person living next to you would see you if you retaliated against them with something harmful vs. the impression it would make on that person to react in kindness. Do you think they would wonder what's wrong with you?

Final Thoughts

If you thought the first season was okay but needed to be more random you might just like this one. There are some almost good episodes on this set, but by and large it really isn’t that great. If you're a Brak fan you may want to at least stream some of the episodes to see them, but it's easy to see why the series ended up getting canceled. It's a shame, really, considering how funny the show was when it started.

Buying Guide

Like volume 1, all you need to decide with "The Brak Show" vol. 2 is whether or not it offers what you want for the price of it.


Once again there exactly 1 TVD buying option.


Final Recommendation:

The only reason to get this is if you are collecting Brak (or Adult Swim) stuff. There just isn't much here for the purchase price.

The volume 2 set is a 2 disc TVD package.




This is the TV standard ratio. It looks fine for a cartoon series clean and clear though certainly nothing close to a high-def presentation.


2.0 Dolby:

It sounds fine. It's nothing impressive, but it's clear. There is a little bit of fill coming in on the rear channels, but it sounds a little fuzzy to me.



This is a standard plastic case with an interesting cross-stitched pattern which carries over to the art on the discs and the interface. It’s not as well done as the watercolor of the first volume, but it is fittingly unusual and does show some creativity.


There’s no insert aside from an ad sheet for other DVD’s. The episodes are listed on the back of the sleeve, though.


The interface features music, but it’s not the singing of the menu contents like volume one, it’s alternate versions of some of the songs in the episodes. Temp tracks maybe? I'm not sure, but it's the closest thing we get to extras in the whole release.



As I mentioned before there are none. Nada. Zilch. Unless you count the songs on the menus which do play in their entirety.

Episodes/Extras continued

There are 14 episodes in the neighborhood of 11 – 12 minutes long. They are 1 chapter each. I guess with such a short run time there's really not much point in having chapters.


They offer a play all option.

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