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(nothing direct)


(mild violence, a little strong language)


(you can skip this one if you want)

I wonder what would happen if David Banner were finally put on trial. Let's find out in "Trial of the Incredible Hulk!" OK, so the title might cause you to expect something far different that what you're actually going to see here. In some ways this is more of a Daredevil vs. Kingpin movie than it is about the Hulk.


David has given up on finding a cure. He has become content with simply hiding out and avoiding trouble. As long as the creature doesn't have a chance to surface David is at peace with is life. As much as he's given up on life he can't stand by and watch a woman get hurt which results in the Hulk emerging. As no good deed goes unpunished it's David who is arrested for the attack thanks to the Kingpin who needs to pin this on David in order to keep his own goons out of the pen.


Enter Matt Murdock, an attorney whose primary drive in life is to stop Kingpin's reign of crime that has the city terrorized. He can't understand why David won't take the stand in a trial that would aide in his crusade. Matt has a secret himself, though; he's a masked hero known as Daredevil. Teamed up with the Hulk he is about to become more green and red than Kingpin can handle with the life of one brave witness hanging in the balance.


Until the popularity of DVD exploded "Trial of the Incredible Hulk" was the hardest of the Hulk movies to find. There are a total of 3 that came out after the series ended, but while the other two were fairly common (I saw them each at least a couple of times on TV and VHS), I never actually got to see this one until I got the DVD.


You’re probably wondering why this one is so elusive; I think it’s mostly because it is far from great. What makes it so bad? First let me say that I do think it’s worth watching; I’ve seen it more than once since buying it and will see it again sooner or later. For some of the more positive aspects, it has a good story concept (despite how corny it sounds to put the Hulk in a courtroom) and some decent to great actors in many of the most important roles.


I wouldn't say this is John Rhys-Davies's best role, but he still lends a bit of credibility to Kingpin. Nicholas Hormann is particularly good as Edgar who I personally think steals every scene he's in even when up against the mighty Gimli (if you don't get that reference, run, don't walk, to see "Lord of the Rings" NOW!). Rex Smith as Murdock / Daredevil is not bad (better in many ways than Ben Affleck despite getting paid far less and participating in a much lower-budget production). And of course the team that makes this version of the Hulk's story iconic, Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno, are everything you could hope for them to be.


The biggest flaw in actors or characters is that of Ellie. She is not very well written or portrayed. She’s meant to be sympathetic, but she’s not believable enough to pull it off. Some of the other minor characters lack as well, but for the most part the acting is not one of the major issues here.


As much as I hate to say anything negative about Bill Bixby and his directing abilities (after all, much of what I love so much about the series is due to him) there are a lot of elements that fall short of what I expected starting with Lou as the Hulk getting too little screen time, far, far too little. In fact, I better go check the credits to be sure he was in this at all. What was the title of this series? Oh, that's right, The Incredible HULK! Think we could get some, you know, Hulk in here for a few minutes?


That's bad enough but there's more. Daredevil's scenes are weak in their action choreography, camera work is poor (some shots are at odd speeds making them look weird), and some special effects sequences lack the technology to make them look realistic (particularly the final scene with Kingpin). 1 or 2 of these elements alone might not be so bad, but together they tear the production down in a hurry.


The big finale of all other Hulk shows feature the show’s namesake, this one features David and Daredevil. It lacks the explosive power we’ve come to expect especially since, like I’ve said, the Daredevil choreography is not impressive. Hulk should have been given some time here facing off with Kingpin and lending his Hulk bulk to the battle in some way, shape, or form.


To make this feel less like a Hulk movie is the absence of the familiar theme. The most unforgivable lack, however, is the absence of Jack McGee. We’ve followed him since the original movie, and suddenly he has fallen off the face of the Earth. His character deserved a more significant final end than he was given in the last movie even if it had only been referred to rather than acted out. Have him give up the Hulk chase to make a life with a woman, find out David is alive and feel compassion for his plight to the point that he keeps the secret once he has the story he's been after for so long, virtually anything that paid respect to the character would have been better than nothing.


We do get to see Hulk rampaging in a courtroom which is a great moment for those of us that enjoy rampaging monsters breaking stuff. It's really the only truly good Hulk-out in the whole movie. Despite this one courtroom scene and David being in jail there is very little of anything having to do with David or the Hulk actually being on trial. If you think you're going to be seeing Hulk being confronted by the legal system or David having to defend himself while faced with a jury you might come away disappointed.


Once again, this is a family-friendly show. A little bit of mild strong language and some bloodless violence is all.


There is virtually nothing directly spiritual about this story. As many of the classic superhero stories have there is something Christ-like in the way Murdock and Banner risk their own well being in order to help those who cannot help themselves. They are, in a sense, performing miracles.


There is a theme here of using your gifts rather than just humming through life. Both of these heroes need to learn a lesson in putting their talents to use to help others since they become disheartened to the point that they are content to let life pass them by if it would just do so peacefully. God blesses us with talents and spiritual gifts. Why would He give us these if He didn't want us to use them? Be encouraged to use your talents in love for God and your neighbors.

Final Thoughts

"Trial of the Incredible Hulk" has its merits and will be a welcome addition to the collections of most Hulk fans. You get a few good performances, a great Hulk scene in the courtroom, and the positive ending of David coming to realize he has gifts as a doctor that need to be used for the benefit of his fellow man. If you're not already a Hulk fan, though, I don't recommend seeing this one first because there is much better out there. Daredevil fans might want to consider see it as long as you keep in mind that this is a dated production without the flash of the big screen movie. I've still seen this one more times than the Affleck movie.

Buying Guide

"The Trial of the Incredible Hulk" DVD, like the movie, is good enough to interest the old fans but not enough to win a lot of new ones.


You can get this movie by itself. The other offerings pair this with  "The Incredible Hulk Returns" along with a 3 pack that includes "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way."


I don't know what to tell you about the solo DVD. The cover is so blurry and details so sketchy that I wouldn't chance it. Even if it's a good price you can get good deals on better packages.


The Image offering of the Hulk double feature is bare-bones. According to the listing both movies are on a single disc. There are no extras listed, and I found no comments on the quality.


Anchor Bay has a single disc version of the double feature. This one doesn't appear to have any extras, either.


The 3 pack unfortunately gives no helpful details and has no reviews. Based on other DVD's from Image I'm going to guess that this includes no extras. There's only 1 disc so the compression needed to fit all 3 titles on it is probably going to lower the presentation quality quite a bit.


Final Recommendation:

While I'm not impressed with the bodybuilding documentary and I saw the other extras on the other disc already, I would still recommend the Anchor Bay 2-pack release over the others available. The extras on the first disc are a bit more interesting and the package as a whole features far more creativity than any other offering I've seen for either movie. Get one of the other sets instead of this one only if there is a big price difference.

The Anchor Bay 2 disc DVD set is the most robust offering. None of the other editions appear to come close to matching this one. It has 1 movie per disc.




This is the TV standard ratio. It's not fantastic by any means. It's a bit fuzzy and grainy. It's a TV movie from the 80's, what do you want? 


2.0 Dolby:

It's encoded in 2.0, but it's a mono mix. The audio is clear but thin. There's a small amount of fill coming in on the back channels.  So it's not completely lacking, but neither is it anywhere close to impressive.



The DVD trays are set into a folder with a colorful comic book look to them. The folder has an outer sleeve to keep it from flopping open.


The insert could almost be listed under the extras section. The front of it has a distinct comic book layout to it. Inside are a couple of essays about the movies in the set. Fans who are thinking fondly back to watching these movies will no doubt enjoy reading what's here. The back has a chapters list.


The interface has a music segment that sounds like it belongs with a bad horror movie and graphics of eyes that I guess are supposed to belong to the Hulk.



-Stand Tall (1:22:52) This is a lengthy documentary on bodybuilding. It features Lou Ferigno, of course. I found it pretty slow, but then I don’t have any interest in bodybuilding.


-Poster & Still Gallery: A few images from the Incredible Hulk movies as a manual slideshow.


-Talent Bios: Some info on the actors for your reading pleasure.

-Bill Bixby

-Lou Ferrigno



-Screenplay (missing): The screenplay is supposed to be on the DVD-ROM, but it’s not.  Oops.

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