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(Christian characters, miracle healing, reincarnation)


(sexuality, violence, gruesome concepts)


(there is none better)

The X-Files has the distinction of being among the longest-running Sci-Fi shows of all time. When the show hit it didn’t take long for numerous fans to be swept up in it. I happened to catch the werewolf episode, “Shapes,” and was immediately hooked for life. There wasn’t really anything like X Files on TV when it came out. When was the last time in the 80's-early 90's you saw a prime-time show in which the heroes fought monsters? It was dark, edgy, mysterious, and gripping. It had a way of grabbing hold of the imagination and not letting go.


Going back and watching these early episodes again I’m reminded of exactly why it became so ragingly popular. This is fantastic stuff! Later episodes would become more comedically or dramatically driven, but the early episodes are almost purely suspense/thrillers. If Jaws made you afraid to swim in the ocean X Files would make you afraid to do pretty much anything.


There is no Smoking Man-lead conspiracy at this point. For that matter, there is no real continuous story line yet. These are individual stories told on a cohesive premise but on the whole not linear like later seasons (although retrospective viewing can make it feel more linear because of how it ultimately ties together).


Fox Mulder is a brilliant criminal profiler. He is obsessed with FBI’s oddest cases deemed “unsolvable” and filed under “X” to get them out of the way. His obsession stems from a belief that his sister was abducted by aliens and his hope that something in these strange files will guide him to the truth of what happened to her. Members of the FBI and govt. are unhappy with Mulder’s investigations but have been unable to prevent them. They recruit the scientifically-minded Dana Scully to watch over Mulder’s shoulder expecting her to be able to pick apart his investigations.


These men make two fatal flaws, one in assuming Scully will blindly follow orders rather than investigate with impeachable integrity and another in assuming, as Scully herself often does, that the things Mulder investigates can’t possibly be what he claims they are. Aliens, monsters, ghosts: these things aren’t real. Right?


David and Gillian instantly own Mulder and Scully in a way that made them irreplaceable from day 1. William Davis’ cigarette-smoking man is legendary. Mitch Pileggi’s Skinner endured so well that he became an increasingly large part of the show and is now almost as vital to it as Mulder and Scully themselves. The Lone Gunmen team became so popular they got their own series (sadly short-lived though it was). So right from the start many of the most loved characters are part of the series, though there are plenty more yet to come.


Production value certainly isn’t what it could be today, but the show looks terrific. The dark tones create a strong atmosphere unmatched by the majority of anything shown on TV. At the same time the show manages to deliver laugh-out-loud lines in perfect comic-relief tradition.


In total this is a well-crafted series that remains my absolute favorite TV show ever to air. The characters are memorable, the stories are gripping, the scares are scary, and the emotions are emotional. No other series has ever handled the paranormal with this level of grace and imagination.



X Files is a dark and sometimes morbid show with its share of scares; it can be gruesome and macabre, but it rarely if ever relies on shock value to keep the viewer interested.


“Gender Bender” is an episode that revolves around sex with a few steamy scenes of couples in bed. It's still fairly tame as far as a lot of shows go, but it's more sensual than the norm for this series. In another episode we see the naked backside of a Neanderthal-type woman (it's human in form but hairy like an ape so it almost doesn't even count).


The villain Tooms rips out victims' livers to dine on them Hannibal Lecter style. We don't see the livers come out, but we do hear details and see Tooms attacking people while blood splatters on the walls. People are viciously attacked by an invisible force in “Shadows.” It's an intense struggle. “Ice” involves some violently lethal conflicts and a shots of worms entering and exiting bodies as well as crawling underneath the skin of those they infect. “Shapes” involves a werewolf which attacks people. We see the monster and hear about the gruesome things it has done.


Strong language is typically sparse and mild.



X Files is all over the place with its spirituality. Scully is a lifelong Catholic though for much of the series she is not actively practicing (even after episodes in which she decides to get more involved). She often supports the idea of the existence of God arguing with Mulder over it. At the same time she often takes positions that are more atheistic than scriptural.


God, Satan, and angels exist though the true nature of evil may change to support a particular story. At the same time many things that contradict, or at least conflict, with a scriptural view of the supernatural are also presented as true.


“Miracle Man” revolves around a faith healer. The preacher puts on a show that is stereotypically flashy, but the healer, a young man, has a legitimate healing ability even, to the point of being able to bring someone back from the dead, that he attributes to God. When things go badly for him he rebels against God, but the good Lord appears to have a larger plan in mind. There is no other explanation given for his abilities besides the notion that they come from God. This episode has one of my favorite lines from the entire series. Scully says to Mulder, “God never lets the Devil steal the show.”


In other episodes the idea of reincarnation is presented with just as much validity as the existence of the soul or a boy's ability to heal in the name of God.

Final Thoughts

While season 1 contains a couple of the weakest episodes in the run of the series, The X Files remains one of the absolute best shows ever to appear on TV. Starting at the beginning and going through the entire run has been one of the most satisfying TV-watching experiences of my life. You should check it out.

Buying Guide

DVD details coming soon.















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